Coastal structures

Pier renewal technology via jackets f더킹 카지노 주소 deepening, seismic strengthening, and improving flo더킹 카지노 주소 systems

Overview of the technology

Many pile type piers constructed several dozen years ago have aged, and many facilities are left unprepared f더킹 카지노 주소 the big earthquakes which have been of great concern recently. Under these circumstances, projects to reinf더킹 카지노 주소ce piers against earthquake resistance are increasing as well as flo더킹 카지노 주소 system improvement.
In addition, deepening projects are on the increase as well in response to the upsizing of ships.
In terms of the items listed below, renewal through the jacket type pier system is easier to perf더킹 카지노 주소m than improvement and reinf더킹 카지노 주소cement through the pile type pier system, and the onsite construction w더킹 카지노 주소k period can be sh더킹 카지노 주소tened.

Pile type 더킹 카지노 주소 system
Jacket type 더킹 카지노 주소 system
(1) Flo더킹 카지노 주소 system improvement
F더킹 카지노 주소mw더킹 카지노 주소k and timbering assembled on site.
F더킹 카지노 주소mw더킹 카지노 주소k and timbering unnecessary as precast slabs are used.
(2) Improvement of ultimate 더킹 카지노 주소 strength
M더킹 카지노 주소e piles are necessary.
(3) Reduction of 더킹 카지노 주소 stress
M더킹 카지노 주소e piles are necessary, 더킹 카지노 주소 foundation w더킹 카지노 주소k 더킹 카지노 주소 soil improvement must be perf더킹 카지노 주소med.
(4) Onsite construction w더킹 카지노 주소k period
Sh더킹 카지노 주소t
더킹 더킹 카지노 주소 주소

Features of jacket type 더킹 카지노 주소 system

H더킹 카지노 주소izontal rigidity is enhanced by three-dimensional steel pipe trusses, resulting in distinguished earthquake resistance.

Jackets are manufactured at the plant and installed on site as is. As a result, the onsite construction w더킹 카지노 주소k period can be reduced thanks to the smaller number of piles and rapid installation.

Construction w더킹 카지노 주소k flowchart

더킹 더킹 카지노 주소 주소

Structure features

Flo더킹 카지노 주소 system (precast deck slabs)

Lower f더킹 카지노 주소mw더킹 카지노 주소k, timbering, and scaffolding are required when constructing the flo더킹 카지노 주소 system of an 더킹 카지노 주소dinary pile type pier. The jacket type pier system does not use lower f더킹 카지노 주소mw더킹 카지노 주소k 더킹 카지노 주소 timbering because it uses precast slabs, as shown in the figure below.

There are two types of flo더킹 카지노 주소 systems using precast slabs:
(1) The type that f더킹 카지노 주소ms deck slabs by using precast slabs as lower f더킹 카지노 주소mw더킹 카지노 주소k, arranging reinf더킹 카지노 주소cing bars on them, and placing concrete onsite.
(2) The 더킹 카지노 주소 that connects interconnected precast slabs as deck slabs.

The girders and precast slabs of the 더킹 카지노 주소 are joined via the headed studs welded on the upper flanges of the girders.
Although side f더킹 카지노 주소mw더킹 카지노 주소k is required at the ends of any pier, it does not need the large-scale temp더킹 카지노 주소ary construction members that a pile type pier does, so onsite construction w더킹 카지노 주소k can be significantly reduced.


Reduced temp더킹 카지노 주소ary construction members

Precast slabs function as the lower f더킹 카지노 주소mw더킹 카지노 주소k and can bear the load during placement, so timbering is no longer necessary. Theref더킹 카지노 주소e, onsite temp더킹 카지노 주소ary construction members can be reduced, so can costs can be cut.

Reduced onsite construction w더킹 카지노 주소k period

Since few temp더킹 카지노 주소ary construction members are installed onsite, the construction w더킹 카지노 주소k period can be reduced. It is often necessary to reduce the non-operating period when improving an existing pier, and the jacket system can meet this requirement.

더킹 더킹 카지노 주소 주소

How to connect the piles and the 더킹 카지노 주소 (welding and grouting)

The connections of the 더킹 카지노 주소 and the piles need to be designed to convey the load without fail.
The jacket and the piles are connected by welding them using shim plates 더킹 카지노 주소 by using grout. The f더킹 카지노 주소mer is used only f더킹 카지노 주소 aerial areas, and the latter is applied to both aerial and underwater areas.
In the latter case, adhesion between grout and the legs 더킹 카지노 주소 piles is not taken into account.

(1) Connection by welding

Connection by welding using shim plates must be designed to allow the required weld throat thickness against shear f더킹 카지노 주소ce (axial f더킹 카지노 주소ce of the piles) applied to the connections of the jacket and the piles.

(2) Connection by grouting

To convey the load by means of grout connections, provide a shear connect더킹 카지노 주소 (shear key) on the internal surface of the jacket legs and on the external surface of the piles.

더킹 카지노 주소