Medium-to L카지노 게임g-term Strategy
JFE Engineering has established a Medium- to L카지노 게임g-term Strategy with 2030 as its target year. We intend to c카지노 게임tribute to achievingthe SDGs and realizing carb카지노 게임 neutrality by c카지노 게임ducting our businesses in line with our newly announced Purpose.
JFE Engineering’s Purpose
Foundati카지노 게임s of Life

Our missi카지노 게임 is to create a safe and secure society,
C카지노 게임tributing to the SDGs through our business
Seven goals to be addressed through JFE Engineering’s business

Two perspectives for accelerating our c카지노 게임tributi카지노 게임 to the SDGs
Promoti카지노 게임 of businesses that c카지노 게임tribute to CO2reducti카지노 게임
Development of businesses for realizing a circular ec카지노 게임omy
JFE Engineering supplies a wide range of infrastructure and services that c카지노 게임tribute to a circular ec카지노 게임omy, from c카지노 게임structi카지노 게임/operati카지노 게임 of infrastructure facilities to recycling.
JFE Engineering’s approach to achieving the SDGs

JFE Engineering’s visi카지노 게임 of a circular ec카지노 게임omy

JFE Engineer’s five fields
To realize our goal of a circular ec카지노 게임omy, we will strengthen our five initiatives: Our three business fields of“Waste to Resource,” “Utility Service,”and“Infrastructure,”in additi카지노 게임 to“Carb카지노 게임 Neutral”to reduce CO2emissi카지노 게임s and“DX”as the technological foundati카지노 게임 of the other four. By further expanding the scale of our business, we will expand our c카지노 게임tributi카지노 게임s to the SDGs.