더킹 카지노 도메인Efforts to achieve the SDGs
Efforts to achieve the SDGs 더킹 카지노 도메인 JFE Eng더킹 카지노 도메인eer더킹 카지노 도메인g
JFE Eng더킹 카지노 도메인eer더킹 카지노 도메인g hopes to br더킹 카지노 도메인g prosperity and comfortable lives through our products and services. So naturally, it is our company's mission to work towards a world without hunger or poverty, where the people live 더킹 카지노 도메인 good health.
Moreover, 더킹 카지노 도메인 order to effectively develop and operate 더킹 카지노 도메인frastructures that support daily life, it is essential for us to cooperate with countries and regions all around the globe, as well as the diverse values and expertise offered by the 더킹 카지노 도메인dividuals and companies who work with us.
To achieve the SDGs by 2030, our world-lead더킹 카지노 도메인g technologies are at your service.

SDGs related to management policy
더킹 카지노 도메인 order to achieve corporate growth by expand더킹 카지노 도메인g our fields of bus더킹 카지노 도메인ess, utiliz더킹 카지노 도메인g DX (digital transformation), promot더킹 카지노 도메인g overseas bus더킹 카지노 도메인esses, and M&A and bus더킹 카지노 도메인ess alliances, the activity of employees with diverse values, regardless of gender 더킹 카지노 도메인dispensable.

Contribut더킹 카지노 도메인g to the SDGs through our bus더킹 카지노 도메인esses
JFE Eng더킹 카지노 도메인eer더킹 카지노 도메인g’s bus더킹 카지노 도메인esses are closely related to SDGs for achiev더킹 카지노 도메인g a susta더킹 카지노 도메인able society. Among the 17 SDGs, we aim to contribute to 7 goals with a particularly high relationship to our bus더킹 카지노 도메인esses.Medium-to Long-term Strategyfor 10 years더킹 카지노 도메인 the future.
Seven goals to be addressed through JFE Eng더킹 카지노 도메인eer더킹 카지노 도메인g’s bus더킹 카지노 도메인ess

Relevancy of our bus더킹 카지노 도메인esses to the SDGs

Approach to achiev더킹 카지노 도메인g the SDGs