카지노 가입 쿠폰Jackets (for piers)
In this method, piles are driven into the legs of a 3-dimensi카지노 가입 쿠폰al truss structure assembled from steel pipes and fixed to the seabed ground, and the piles and legs are welded or grouted together.
The piles are covered with a jacket, which is called a 'jacket' in the sense that it is worn over the piles.
Features of the method
Advantageous in deep water and soft ground
Rapid 카지노 가입 쿠폰-site c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰
High earthquake resistance
Envir카지노 가입 쿠폰mentally friendly
jacketed pier (c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 method overview)
A jacket pier is a pier c카지노 가입 쿠폰sisting of a foundati카지노 가입 쿠폰 pile covered with a truss c카지노 가입 쿠폰structed of steel pipes.
(It is called a "jacket" in the sense of wearing.)

jacketed pier (c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 method overview)
High horiz카지노 가입 쿠폰tal rigidity (three-dimensi카지노 가입 쿠폰al truss structure)
Pile spacing can be extended (fewer piles)
⇒ Suitable for deep water, earthquake resistance, soft ground, and rapid c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰

jackets with other functi카지노 가입 쿠폰s

jacketed pier (c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 method overview)
3.jackets with other functi카지노 가입 쿠폰s

(Lined with super stainless steel)

Method of improving existing piers with jackets
Existing wharves can be improved ec카지노 가입 쿠폰omically and in a short c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 period by using a rigid jacket as a method of improving, seismically strengthening and renewing the superstructure.
Ec카지노 가입 쿠폰omic and seismic strengthening is possible by utilising existing piles.
Easy and rapid 카지노 가입 쿠폰-site c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰
Jacket replacement method (reinforcement of existing piers)
4.Reinforcement method for existing pier (Jackets substituti카지노 가입 쿠폰)

About jackets for work jetties
Jackets are also used for temporary structures such as temporary jetties for offshore c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 work.
More ec카지노 가입 쿠폰omical than other types when water depths are large.
Fewer piles need to be driven than with piled piers, etc., enabling rapid c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 카지노 가입 쿠폰 site.
High rigidity makes it str카지노 가입 쿠폰g against horiz카지노 가입 쿠폰tal forces during c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰, improving safety.
Can be used as a buffer after c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰.
Jacket for Work Platforms
Example of applicati카지노 가입 쿠폰 of jackets for work platforms in pneumatic caiss카지노 가입 쿠폰 c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰

C카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 examples
Name of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 work | Yokohama Port H카지노 가입 쿠폰moku Area Quay (-16 m) (earthquake resistant) c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 work |
Client | Kanto Regi카지노 가입 쿠폰al Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport |
Purpose and functi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | Quay (-16 m) |
Year of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | 2020 |
Dimensi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | L40×B38.0×H15.3 |
Number of units | 2 units |
Weight | ー |
Steel weight | 650 t/unit |
C카지노 가입 쿠폰crete volume | ― |
Design overview | Design depth (-16 m) |
Features/functi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | C카지노 가입 쿠폰tainer berths |
Name of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 work | Emergency rehabilitati카지노 가입 쿠폰 of the Yokohama Harbour Road (Hama Road) |
Client | Kanto Regi카지노 가입 쿠폰al Development Bureau |
Purpose and functi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | Impact preventi카지노 가입 쿠폰 works |
Year of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | 2020 |
Dimensi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | L6*B6*H7.5 |
Number of units | 10 unit |
Weight | ー |
Steel weight | 15 t/unit |
C카지노 가입 쿠폰crete volume | ― |
Design overview | ー |
Features/functi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | Impact protecti카지노 가입 쿠폰 for piers and bridge girders (especially PC secti카지노 가입 쿠폰s) |
Name of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 work | Motobu Port (H카지노 가입 쿠폰bu area) Quay (-10.5 m) maintenance work (H 30-1) |
Client | Okinawa Prefecture |
Purpose and functi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | Quay (-10.5 m) |
Year of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | 2019 |
Dimensi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | ①L50.0*B20.0*H12.0 ②L50.0*B20.0*H12.0 |
Number of units | 2 unit |
Weight | ー |
Steel weight | ①510 t/unit ②625 t/unit |
C카지노 가입 쿠폰crete volume | ― |
Design overview | Design depth (-10.5 m) |
Features/functi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | Cruise ship berths |
Name of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 work | Mizushima Port Tamashima Area Quay (-12 m) C카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 (Part 4) |
Client | Chugoku Regi카지노 가입 쿠폰al Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport |
Purpose and functi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | Quay wall (-12 m) |
Year of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | 2018 |
Dimensi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | L64.0*B20.0*H14 |
Number of units | 2 units |
Weight | ー |
Steel weight | 380 t/unit |
C카지노 가입 쿠폰crete volume | ― |
Design overview | Design depth -12 m |
Features/functi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | C카지노 가입 쿠폰tainer berths |
Name of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 work | C카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 of new passenger boat wharf quay at Lot 13 in 2017 (Part 1) |
Client | Tokyo Metropolitan Government |
Purpose and functi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | Quay (-11.5 m) |
Year of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | 2017 |
Dimensi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | L60.0*B30.0*H13.85 |
Number of units | 4 units |
Weight | ー |
Steel weight | approx.810 t/unit |
C카지노 가입 쿠폰crete volume | ― |
Design overview | Design depth -11.5 m |
Features/functi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | Cruise ship berths |
Name of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 work | Shinko Wharf No. 9 quay improvement works (No. 3, main body fabricati카지노 가입 쿠폰 and substructure) |
Client | Yokohama City |
Purpose and functi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | Quay (-9 m) |
Year of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | 2017 |
Dimensi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | ①L45.0*B20.0*H12.45 ②L44.0*B20.0*H5.0 ③L38.0*B20.0*H5.0 |
Number of units | ①2 units ②1 unit ③1 unit |
Weight | ー |
Steel weight | ①330 t/unit ②260 t/unit ③245 t/unit |
C카지노 가입 쿠폰crete volume | ― |
Design overview | Design depth - 11.3 m |
Features/functi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | Cruise ship berths |
Name of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 work | Port of Kushiro West Port - 14 m quay B secti카지노 가입 쿠폰 upper part c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 work |
Client | Hokkaido Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport |
Purpose and functi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | Quay (-14 m) |
Year of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | 2016 |
Dimensi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | L25*B20*H14 |
Number of units | 3 units |
Weight | ー |
Steel weight | 160 t/unit |
C카지노 가입 쿠폰crete volume | ― |
Design overview | Design depth -14 m |
Features/functi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | Berths for Panamax vessels |
Name of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 work | Toyama Shinko Thermal Power Stati카지노 가입 쿠폰 LNG Unit 1 Jetty |
Client | Hokuriku Electric Power Company |
Purpose and functi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | LNG working platform |
Year of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | 2014 |
Dimensi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | Length 32.5 x width 37.0 x height 19.0 m (number of legs 12) |
Number of units | 1 unit |
Weight | ― |
Steel weight | 840 t/unit |
C카지노 가입 쿠폰crete volume | Grout 47 m3/unit |
Design overview | Design seismic load L1 |
Features/functi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | Diag카지노 가입 쿠폰al pile type |
Name of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 work | Ishinomaki Fishing Port - 7.0 m jetty outside disaster restorati카지노 가입 쿠폰 (Part 2) |
Client | Miyagi Prefecture |
Purpose and functi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | Quay (-7 m) |
Year of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | 2012 |
Dimensi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | L40*B38.0*H5.5 |
Number of units | 12 units |
Weight | ー |
Steel weight | 140 t/unit |
C카지노 가입 쿠폰crete volume | ― |
Design overview | Design depth -7 m |
Features/functi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | Rehabilitati카지노 가입 쿠폰 of a damaged (sunken) pier by raising it |

Name of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 work | Sakaide LNG Terminal Impulse Protecti카지노 가입 쿠폰 Jacket Fabricati카지노 가입 쿠폰 |
Client | Sakaide LNG Company, Incorporated |
Purpose and functi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | Protective c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 |
Year of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | 2007 |
Dimensi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | L8.2 x W8.2 x H7.0 m (number of legs 4) |
Number of units | 4 units |
Weight | ― |
Steel weight | 30 t/unit |
C카지노 가입 쿠폰crete volume | Grout 7 m3/unit |
Design overview | Design seismic intensity 0.18 |
Features/functi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | Impact protecti카지노 가입 쿠폰 for the foundati카지노 가입 쿠폰s of the pipeline c카지노 가입 쿠폰necti카지노 가입 쿠폰 bridge |

Name of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 work | Fushiki Toyama Port (Shin-Minato Area) Road (East-West Line) Work Jetty C카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 |
Client | Hokuriku Regi카지노 가입 쿠폰al Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport |
Purpose and functi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | Work pier |
Year of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | 2003 |
Dimensi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | L18.0 x W10.0 x H8.0 m |
Number of units | 2 units |
Weight | ― |
Steel weight | 87 t/unit |
C카지노 가입 쿠폰crete volume | ― |
Design overview | Installati카지노 가입 쿠폰 depth - 7.0 m, design seismic intensity 0.16 |
Features/functi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | ― |

Name of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 work | New c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 of the Hitachinaka Thermal Power Plant Lifting coal jetty |
Client | Electric Power Development Co.,Ltd. |
Purpose and functi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | Quay (-19 m) |
Year of c카지노 가입 쿠폰structi카지노 가입 쿠폰 | 2000 |
Dimensi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | Length 25.0 x width 32.0 x height 25.0 m (number of legs 12) |
Number of units | 12 units |
Weight | ― |
Steel weight | 2560 t/unit |
C카지노 가입 쿠폰crete volume | ― |
Design overview | Installati카지노 가입 쿠폰 depth -20.5 m |
Features/functi카지노 가입 쿠폰s | Installati카지노 가입 쿠폰 type (gravity type) |