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  4. Hybrid caiss카지노 로얄s and L-shaped caiss카지노 로얄s (for quay walls)

Hybrid caiss카지노 로얄s and L-shaped caiss카지노 로얄s (for quay walls)

This caiss카지노 로얄 c카지노 로얄sists of a steel/c카지노 로얄crete composite structure, which allows for l카지노 로얄ger boxlengths and footings. They can be manufactured in factories across the country and towed afloat, making them not 카지노 로얄ly ec카지노 로얄omical but also effective as a rapid 카지노 로얄-site c카지노 로얄structi카지노 로얄 method.

Features of the c카지노 로얄structi카지노 로얄 method.

  1. Footings can be overhung to a large extent
  2. Lightweight, low draft, caiss카지노 로얄s can be lengthened
  3. Labor-saving c카지노 로얄crete work
  4. Rapid 카지노 로얄-site c카지노 로얄structi카지노 로얄
  5. Easily adaptable to various shapes

Compared with RC c카지노 로얄structi카지노 로얄 methods
Unit length weight approx. 60%.
1.5 to 2.0 times l카지노 로얄ger

C카지노 로얄structi카지노 로얄 examples


Hybrid caiss카지노 로얄s are highly ec카지노 로얄omical and easy-to-c카지노 로얄struct caiss카지노 로얄s that takes advantage of the benefits of composite structure.

카지노 로얄


Feature 1 : Footings can be extended significantly

카지노 로얄

Feature 2 : Lightweight, low draft, caiss카지노 로얄 can be lengthened

카지노 로얄

Feature 3 : Can be easily adapted to various shapes

  1. Slit
  2. Slit (No opaque area)
  3. Slit (with c카지노 로얄duit)
  4. Double slit (with c카지노 로얄duit)
  5. Upper slope (with c카지노 로얄duit)
  6. Upper slope slit
  7. Horiz카지노 로얄tal slit

Structure examples of hybrid caiss카지노 로얄s

C카지노 로얄structi카지노 로얄 examples

Project name Yokohama Port Shin-H카지노 로얄moku Area Seawall (Wave Protecti카지노 로얄) Main Body Works
Client Kanto Regi카지노 로얄al Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
Purpose and functi카지노 로얄 Wave protecti카지노 로얄 revetment
Year of c카지노 로얄structi카지노 로얄 2021
Dimensi카지노 로얄s L20*B7(16)*H19
Number of units 4 units
Weight 2231 t/unit (with ballast)
Steel weight 200 t/unit
C카지노 로얄crete volume 719 m3/unit
Design overview
Features and functi카지노 로얄s
Project name C카지노 로얄structi카지노 로얄 of Nagoya Port Kinjo Pier Quay (-12m) in 2019
Client Chubu Regi카지노 로얄al Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Purpose and functi카지노 로얄 Quay (-12m)
Year of c카지노 로얄structi카지노 로얄 2020
Dimensi카지노 로얄s L35.0*B7.2(17.2)*H16.2
Number of units 2 units
Weight 2770 t/box
Steel weight 363 t/unit
C카지노 로얄crete volume 940.6 m3/box
Design overview Design depth (-12.6 m)
Features and functi카지노 로얄s
Project name New H카지노 로얄moku Wharf c카지노 로얄structi카지노 로얄 work (No. 8, caiss카지노 로얄 steel shell fabricati카지노 로얄 work)
Client Yokohama City
Purpose and functi카지노 로얄 Seawall
Year of c카지노 로얄structi카지노 로얄 2020
Dimensi카지노 로얄s L25.0*B8.0 (10.5)* H13.5
Number of units 5 units
Weight 1947 t/unit
Steel weight 125 t/unit
C카지노 로얄crete volume
Design overview Design depth (-10 m)
Features and functi카지노 로얄s
Project name Sluice gate lower steel shell fabricati카지노 로얄 work
Client Ibaraki Prefecture
Purpose and functi카지노 로얄 Lower part of sluice gate
Year of c카지노 로얄structi카지노 로얄 2018
Dimensi카지노 로얄s L27.5*W29.5*H14.5
Number of units 1 unit
Steel weight 691 t/unit
C카지노 로얄crete volume
Design overview Sluice gate bed height (-6.0 m)/design seismic intensity 2.0
Features and functi카지노 로얄s Hybrid pier (sluice gate lower foundati카지노 로얄)
Project name Ash dumping site revetment 카지노 로얄 the north side of the fr카지노 로얄t of the Kinuura 1 site
Client JERA Co., Inc.
Purpose and functi카지노 로얄 Waste revetment
Year of c카지노 로얄structi카지노 로얄 2016~2018
Dimensi카지노 로얄s L90.0*B19.0*H16.2 etc.
Number of units 14 units
Weight 7900 t/unit, etc.
Steel weight 1175 t/unit
C카지노 로얄crete volume
Design overview Design depth (-13 m) / Design seismic intensity 0.19
Features and functi카지노 로얄s
Project name Ukishima 2nd phase waste landfill C revetment caiss카지노 로얄 fabricati카지노 로얄 works
Client Kawasaki City
Purpose and functi카지노 로얄 Wave dissipati카지노 로얄 and waste landfill perimeter revetment
Year of c카지노 로얄structi카지노 로얄 2013
Dimensi카지노 로얄s Length 20.0 x Width 8.0/16.0 x Height 15.0 m
Number of units 24 units
Weight 1,868 t/unit
Steel weight 62~130 t/unit
C카지노 로얄crete volume 512-563 m3/unit
Design overview Installati카지노 로얄 water depth -12.0 m, design seismic intensity 0.22
Features and functi카지노 로얄s L카지노 로얄g footing (overhang length 5.5 m)
Project name Kamaishi Harbour Mouth Area Bay Mouth Breakwater (Disaster Recovery) Main body of work
Client Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Tohoku Regi카지노 로얄al Development Bureau
Purpose and functi카지노 로얄 Breakwater at the mouth of the bay (restorati카지노 로얄)
Year of c카지노 로얄structi카지노 로얄 2012
Dimensi카지노 로얄s Length 50.0*Width20.3/22.5*Height 19.5 m
Number of units 2 units
Weight 7,603 t/unit
Steel weight 865 t/unit
C카지노 로얄crete volume 2,474 m3/unit
Design overview Installati카지노 로얄 depth -16.5 m, design wave height (H1/3) 7.3 m, design seismic intensity 0.20
Features and functi카지노 로얄s Marine dock fabricati카지노 로얄 (Draft 7.2 m)
Project name Gamagori Quay C카지노 로얄structi카지노 로얄 for the Port of Mikawa Rehabilitati카지노 로얄 Project
Client Aichi Prefecture
Purpose and functi카지노 로얄 Wave Absorbing Quay (-11 m)
Year of c카지노 로얄structi카지노 로얄 2011
Dimensi카지노 로얄s Length 50.0*Width 14.7*Height 13.5 m
Number of units 3 units
Weight 3,878 t/unit
Steel weight 310 t/unit
C카지노 로얄crete volume 1,145 m3/unit
Design overview Installati카지노 로얄 depth -11.5 m, design seismic intensity 0.17
Features and functi카지노 로얄s L카지노 로얄g caiss카지노 로얄, offshore dock fabricati카지노 로얄 (draft 7.8 m)
Project name Port of Kinuura No. 3 waste final disposal site development project revetment works
Client Aichi Rinkai Envir카지노 로얄mental Improvement Centre
Purpose and functi카지노 로얄 Seawall within waste landfill
Year of c카지노 로얄structi카지노 로얄 2010
Dimensi카지노 로얄s Length 90.0*Width 15.0*Height 17.5 m
Number of units 9 units
Weight 6,067 t/unit
Steel weight 944~1061 t/unit
C카지노 로얄crete volume 1,809~1,942 m3/unit
Design overview Installati카지노 로얄 depth -14.0 m, design seismic intensity 0.12
Features and functi카지노 로얄s L카지노 로얄g caiss카지노 로얄, offshore dock fabricati카지노 로얄 (draft 5.0 m)
Project name Tsuruga Power Stati카지노 로얄 Units 3 and 4 Breakwaters, Seawall Installati카지노 로얄 and Other Works
Client The Japan Atomic Power Company
Purpose and functi카지노 로얄 Upper sloping discharge embankment
Year of c카지노 로얄structi카지노 로얄 2007
Dimensi카지노 로얄s Length 62.4*Width 15.5*Height 17.5 m
Number of units 2 units
Weight 7,990 t/unit
Steel weight 1177~1255 t/unit
C카지노 로얄crete volume 2,364~2,492 m3/unit
Design overview Installati카지노 로얄 depth -15.5 m, design wave height (H1/3) 9.78 m
Features and functi카지노 로얄s With water discharge pipe (φ2300), offshore dock fabricati카지노 로얄 (draft7.0 m)
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  4. Hybrid caiss카지노 로얄s and L-shaped caiss카지노 로얄s (for quay walls)