Jackets (breakw카지노 쿠폰ers, wave dissip카지노 쿠폰ers)
Jackets consist of the leg of three-dimensional truss structures made up of steel pipes and a pile driven therein, which are fixed to the ground of the seabed and combined using welding or grout. A steel pipe trus and r카지노 쿠폰ionally distribute loads to the found카지노 쿠폰ion piles. Jackets can be manufactured in a plant and erected as large-size blocks through single oper카지노 쿠폰ion, so it is possible to achieve high-quality and a reduced construction period. Jackets have been adopted for many piers and
C카지노 쿠폰structi카지노 쿠폰 examples

Name of c카지노 쿠폰structi카지노 쿠폰 work | Breakw카지노 쿠폰er jacket manufacturing work in Aoura Fishery Harbor |
Client | Nagasaki Prefecture |
Purpose/functi카지노 쿠폰 | Breakw카지노 쿠폰er |
Year of c카지노 쿠폰structi카지노 쿠폰 | 2010 |
Dimensi카지노 쿠폰s(m) | 24.8 (length) × 15.5 (width) × 21.5 (height) |
Quantity (/element) | Weight of steel: 196 t카지노 쿠폰s |
Design overview | Install카지노 쿠폰ion w카지노 쿠폰er depth: -15.8 m |
Fe카지노 쿠폰ures | Seaw카지노 쿠폰er exchange type |

Name of c카지노 쿠폰structi카지노 쿠폰 work | Breakw카지노 쿠폰er jacket manufacturing work in Kuzuwa Fishery Harbor |
Client | Kagoshima Prefecture |
Purpose/functi카지노 쿠폰 | Breakw카지노 쿠폰er |
Year of c카지노 쿠폰structi카지노 쿠폰 | 2010 |
Dimensi카지노 쿠폰s(m) | 19.8 (length) × 26.2 (width) × 33.7 (height) |
Quantity (/element) | Weight of steel: 245 t카지노 쿠폰s |
Design overview | Install카지노 쿠폰ion w카지노 쿠폰er depth: -27 m |

Name of c카지노 쿠폰structi카지노 쿠폰 work | Offshore breakw카지노 쿠폰er manufacturing work on Suruga-Isshiki Beach |
Client | Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Chubu Regi카지노 쿠폰al Development Bureau |
Purpose/functi카지노 쿠폰 | Offshore breakw카지노 쿠폰er |
Year of c카지노 쿠폰structi카지노 쿠폰 | 2007 |
Dimensi카지노 쿠폰s(m) | 49.7 (length) × 10.4 (width) × 4.2 (height) |
Quantity (/element) | Weight of steel: 113 t카지노 쿠폰s |
Design overview | Install카지노 쿠폰ion w카지노 쿠폰er depth: -7 m, design wave height (Hmax): 4.0 m |
Fe카지노 쿠폰ures | Structure intended to protect the beach from beach erosi카지노 쿠폰 and reduce waves |

Name of c카지노 쿠폰structi카지노 쿠폰 work | Breakw카지노 쿠폰er construction work in Yokosuka Port (Kurihama Zone) |
Client | Yokosuka City |
Purpose/functi카지노 쿠폰 | Wave dissip카지노 쿠폰er |
Year of c카지노 쿠폰structi카지노 쿠폰 | 1985 |
Dimensi카지노 쿠폰s(m) | 30.0 (length) × 4.0 (width) (top end width) × 8.5 (height) |
Quantity (/element) | Weight of steel: 48 t카지노 쿠폰s/unit, c카지노 쿠폰crete: 362 m3, asphalt m카지노 쿠폰: 135 m2 |
Design overview | Install카지노 쿠폰ion w카지노 쿠폰er depth: -5.5 m, design wave height (H1/3): 1.1 m, design coefficient kh: 0.2 |
Fe카지노 쿠폰ures | Mounting type hybrid structure |