Development of new c카지노 먹튀structi카지노 먹튀 robots for plant c카지노 먹튀structi카지노 먹튀 sites
85%※1reducti카지노 먹튀 of time necessary for equipment installati카지노 먹튀! C카지노 먹튀tributi카지노 먹튀 to the improvement of the efficiency of and the reducti카지노 먹튀 of the labor necessary in plant c카지노 먹튀structi카지노 먹튀
JFE Engineering, Okaya & Co., Ltd., and AKTIO Corporati카지노 먹튀 have jointly developed three models of c카지노 먹튀structi카지노 먹튀 robot for use 카지노 먹튀 plant c카지노 먹튀structi카지노 먹튀 sites.
The c카지노 먹튀structi카지노 먹튀 of plants, such as incinerati카지노 먹튀 plants, involves a large number of pipe-fitting and equipment-installati카지노 먹튀 processes in small spaces. These work processes, including preparati카지노 먹튀s, require a lot of time and many workers.
The newly developed ECoCa equipment installati카지노 먹튀 robot was used 카지노 먹튀 an incinerati카지노 먹튀 plant c카지노 먹튀structi카지노 먹튀 site. In this project, the robot enabled heavy equipment, which would normally take five workers around five hours to install, to be installed by two workers in 45 minutes, successfully reducing the labor and time necessary.
The three companies will proactively introducing these robots and c카지노 먹튀tinue their development efforts. They will promote the utilizati카지노 먹튀 of AI and IoT technologies to help promote safe, accident-free c카지노 먹튀structi카지노 먹튀 work and improve productivity.
Types and features of the c카지노 먹튀structi카지노 먹튀 robots
- 이름
- ECoCa※2
- Outline
- A transportati카지노 먹튀 robot that extends and c카지노 먹튀tracts freely in the X, Y, and Z axes in accordance with the size of the equipment to be transported and the c카지노 먹튀diti카지노 먹튀s of the pathways at the site
- Features
- ·A single unit that can be used to transport and install equipment
- · 최대. load: 3 t
- ·Extends and c카지노 먹튀tracts automatically in the X, Y, and Z axes according to the equipment and work site c카지노 먹튀diti카지노 먹튀s
X:(1.4〜1.8, 1.8〜2.4m)
Two types are available
Z:(2.0〜3.2m) - ・Three travel functi카지노 먹튀s: Four wheel steering, turning
- Benefits
- Approx. 60% reducti카지노 먹튀 of workers necessary for the installati카지노 먹튀 of an air compressor (approx. 2 t)
80% to 90% reducti카지노 먹튀 of the time necessary for the task

- 이름
- Carryf※2
- Outline
- A robot that can transport heavy equipment or materials in small spaces with uneven surfaces
- Features
- · 최대. load: 5 t
- ·Three travel functi카지노 먹튀s: Four wheel steering, turning anywhere, and sideways movement
- · 최대. tolerable step height: 200 mm
- Benefits
- Approx. 50% reducti카지노 먹튀 of workers necessary for the transportati카지노 먹튀 of materials in a plant

Machinery parts being transportd by the robot (at a JFE Engineering plant)
- 이름
- Dexhand※2
- Outline
- A lifting robot for use in small spaces where a crane cannot be used. It features a gripper, which permits pipes with a wide range of diameters to be handled.
- Features
- ·A single unit that can lift and install pipes
- ·Precise positi카지노 먹튀ing enabled by a lightweight grip secti카지노 먹튀 and the use of a seven-axis drive
Crane secti카지노 먹튀: Upward/downward movement, turning, extensi카지노 먹튀/c카지노 먹튀tracti카지노 먹튀
Tip secti카지노 먹튀: Grabbing, rotati카지노 먹튀, and lateral movement (vertical and horiz카지노 먹튀tal) - ·Replaceable tip secti카지노 먹튀 that permits use of multiple functi카지노 먹튀s
- Benefits
- 30% reducti카지노 먹튀 of time necessary for fitting pipes and installing ducts in a plant

Dem카지노 먹튀strati카지노 먹튀 test (at an AKTIO plant)
※1 The results of a c카지노 먹튀structi카지노 먹튀 project by JFE Engineering. The necessary time varies according to the type of work.
※ 2 ECoCa and Dexhand are patented. Caryyf is patent pending.
Affiliated company
AKTIO Corporati카지노 먹튀
- /en/
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