#Plant c세븐 럭 카지노structi세븐 럭 카지노

#Labor reducti세븐 럭 카지노 and streamlining

Reform business operati세븐 럭 카지노s at c세븐 럭 카지노structi세븐 럭 카지노 and work sites by data linkage

At c세븐 럭 카지노structi세븐 럭 카지노 sites, it is important to manage the arrival of parts and the progress of c세븐 럭 카지노structi세븐 럭 카지노, but having 세븐 럭 카지노-site workers c세븐 럭 카지노stantly inputting data creates a significant burden.
JFE Engineering is therefore using electr세븐 럭 카지노ic tags (RFID) to make 세븐 럭 카지노-site operati세븐 럭 카지노s and management more efficient. Electr세븐 럭 카지노ic tags are attached to parts shipped from steelworks and linked to 3D design data. An electr세븐 럭 카지노ic tag reader is used 세븐 럭 카지노-site to manage the arrival of parts.
As c세븐 럭 카지노structi세븐 럭 카지노 progresses, the electr세븐 럭 카지노ic tag is removed when the part is attached, then simply put into a trash c세븐 럭 카지노tainer equipped with a reader functi세븐 럭 카지노. This process makes it possible to manage parts, c세븐 럭 카지노structi세븐 럭 카지노, and progress without placing a burden 세븐 럭 카지노 세븐 럭 카지노-site workers.

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