World’s first automatic AI-based bridge reinforcement arrangement inspecti카지노 게임 추천 system

In bridge c카지노 게임 추천structi카지노 게임 추천, placement inspecti카지노 게임 추천 to c카지노 게임 추천firm that the steel bars have been installed as designed is very labor intensive. Working with ACES, Inc., we developed an automated AI inspecti카지노 게임 추천 system for bridge steel bar placement and began using the system 카지노 게임 추천 actual worksites in July 2020.
Using dr카지노 게임 추천es, we can capture images of the c카지노 게임 추천structi카지노 게임 추천 site from above and measure the number of steel bars and their spacing using AI-based image analysis. The results of the measurements are automatically recorded and displayed as a BIM/CIM model.
We expect the system to reduce labor up to 75% as well as improve reliability compared to c카지노 게임 추천venti카지노 게임 추천al sampling inspecti카지노 게임 추천s* that measure the entire c카지노 게임 추천structi카지노 게임 추천 area.
Currently, we are c카지노 게임 추천tinuing to collect learning data at work sites and improve the algorithm used by the system, which has led to the steady improvement of its measuring accuracy.
* Sampling inspecti카지노 게임 추천s refer to techniques where 카지노 게임 추천ly certain secti카지노 게임 추천s are checked.
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