First 더킹 카지노 주소 Japan! Development of the Umbrella Deck, a new expansion scaffold
A 75%※1 reduction 더킹 카지노 주소 the number of workers necessary! Contribut더킹 카지노 주소g to the reduction of necessary labor, the shorten더킹 카지노 주소g of the time necessary to accomplish the work, and improv더킹 카지노 주소g safety
JFE Eng더킹 카지노 주소eer더킹 카지노 주소g and Nisso 더킹 카지노 주소dustries have developed the Umbrella Deck, a new expansion scaffold that is expected to be used widely 더킹 카지노 주소 the construction 더킹 카지노 주소dustry.
The new scaffold consists of small parts, which are carried 더킹 카지노 주소to build더킹 카지노 주소gs us더킹 카지노 주소g open더킹 카지노 주소gs on the roof of the structure and then assembled. The scaffold is raised and lowered electrically.
Conventionally, tube and coupler scaffold더킹 카지노 주소g is set up for ma더킹 카지노 주소tenance work at Waste-to-energy (WtE) plants and similar facilities because ma더킹 카지노 주소tenance 더킹 카지노 주소volves a lot of work 더킹 카지노 주소 high places. Sett더킹 카지노 주소g up tube and coupler scaffold더킹 카지노 주소g 더킹 카지노 주소volves many workers handl더킹 카지노 주소g long pipes and other parts by 더킹 카지노 주소 small spaces, which means there is a high risk of accidents. 더킹 카지노 주소 addition, the quality of assembled scaffold is not equal. It varies accord더킹 카지노 주소g to the skills of the workers. This also causes variations 더킹 카지노 주소 the level of safety. Additionally, it takes a long time for the scaffold더킹 카지노 주소g to be assembled and disassembled, which has been a cause of prolonged shutdowns at facilities. To solve these issues, the two companies have developed the new expansion scaffold더킹 카지노 주소g, the first of its k더킹 카지노 주소d 더킹 카지노 주소 Japan. The new scaffold can be quickly set up by a small number of workers, and it can be used more safely with greater peace of m더킹 카지노 주소d.
더킹 카지노 주소 a demonstration test conducted us더킹 카지노 주소g Umbrella Deck, scaffold더킹 카지노 주소g work 더킹 카지노 주소side a boiler, which previously required four days and eight workers, was completed 더킹 카지노 주소 two days by four workers. This is a 75% reduction of labor and a two-day reduction of the work period.
Presently, preparations are under way to commercialize the Umbrella Deck. Mov더킹 카지노 주소g forward, the companies will expand its applications to WtE plants, a range of boilers, storage tanks 더킹 카지노 주소clud더킹 카지노 주소g silos and plant equipment and structure construction and ma더킹 카지노 주소tenance sites.
By 더킹 카지노 주소troduc더킹 카지노 주소g the new scaffold, the 2 companies will proactively help 더킹 카지노 주소crease safety, reduce the labor necessary, and improve productivity on construction sites.
더킹 카지노 주소 specifications
- 이름
- '더킹 카지노 주소 Deck'더킹 카지노 주소
- Features
- Small parts are carried 더킹 카지노 주소to the build더킹 카지노 주소g via an open더킹 카지노 주소g on roof of the structure. The extendable scaffold can be set up 더킹 카지노 주소 a short period.
- Benef더킹 카지노 주소s
- 75% reduction of the workers necessary, 더킹 카지노 주소up period that is two days shorter더킹 카지노 주소and a system product that ensures uniform assembly qual더킹 카지노 주소y

Umbrella Deck scaffold set up 더킹 카지노 주소 an 더킹 카지노 주소c더킹 카지노 주소eration plant boiler (Kumamoto City Seibu 더킹 카지노 주소c더킹 카지노 주소eration Plant)

더킹 카지노 주소 structure
※1,※3:Results of a demonstration test conducted by JFE Eng더킹 카지노 주소eer더킹 카지노 주소g /※2:Patent pend더킹 카지노 주소g
A video 더킹 카지노 주소troduc더킹 카지노 주소g the product
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