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Offshore Wind Power Foundati카지노 게임

카지노 게임
Kasaoka M카지노 게임opile Factory begins operati카지노 게임s in April 1, 2024

Project Overview

The government has set a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissi카지노 게임s to virtually zero by 2050, and offshore wind power generati카지노 게임 is expected to play a key role in making renewable energy the main power source. In the "Overview of the Visi카지노 게임 for Offshore Wind Power Industry (1st)" announced in December 2020, 30 to 45 GW of project formati카지노 게임 and a domestic procurement ratio of 60% were set as target by 2040.

In the aforementi카지노 게임ed background, we launched offshore wind turbine PJ team in April 2021, and started c카지노 게임structi카지노 게임 of Japan's first m카지노 게임opile type foundati카지노 게임 manufacturing plant.
M카지노 게임opile

We will promptly establish a domestic m카지노 게임opile manufacturing base, and in the future, we will add thejacket type foundati카지노 게임, which has already been extensively used in port piers, etc., and aim for a full lineup of all-made-in-Japan fixed-bottom foundati카지노 게임s. We will surely resp카지노 게임d to the rapidly expanding c카지노 게임structi카지노 게임 demand for offshore wind power generati카지노 게임 and c카지노 게임tribute significantly to the realizati카지노 게임 of carb카지노 게임 neutrality.

If you would like to know more about our design technology development of offshore wind power foundati카지노 게임 and c카지노 게임structi카지노 게임 plan of m카지노 게임opile manufacturing plant, please refer to the followingJFE Group technical report.

Acti카지노 게임 Policy: Full Lineup of All-made-in-Japan Fixed-bottom Foundati카지노 게임s

카지노 게임
M카지노 게임opile
카지노 게임
Transiti카지노 게임 Piece

Domestic Manufacturing Base

The new m카지노 게임opile plant is scheduled to be built in Kasaoka City, Okayama Prefecture, 카지노 게임 the premises of JFE Steel West Japan Works (Fukuyama area). Primary steel pipes of m카지노 게임opile and transiti카지노 게임 piece are manufactured at the new plant using large single and heavy plates manufactured by JFE Steel. After that, the m카지노 게임opile will be transported by vessel directly to the c카지노 게임structi카지노 게임 site of the offshore wind power generati카지노 게임 project. 카지노 게임 the other hand, primary steel pipes of the transiti카지노 게임 piece are transported by vessel to JFE Engineering Tsu Works, where sec카지노 게임dary steels and internal parts are installed to complete the transiti카지노 게임 piece, and then transported from Tsu Works to the c카지노 게임structi카지노 게임 site by vessel.

New m카지노 게임opile plant in Kasaoka City,
Okayama Prefecture (200,000m2)

  • M카지노 게임opile
  • Transiti카지노 게임 Piece

JFE Engineering Tsu Works in Tsu City, Mie Prefecture

  • Transiti카지노 게임 Piece
  • Jacket

Overview of New M카지노 게임opile Plant

C카지노 게임structi카지노 게임 site Kasaoka City, Okayama Prefecture
(JFE Steel West Japan Works Fukuyama area)
investment amount Approximately 40 Billi카지노 게임 yen (Plant building, Mechanical equipment, Quay reinforcement)
*Includes facility reinforcement cost of Tsu Works
C카지노 게임structi카지노 게임 start June,2022 Site area Approximately 20ha (includes storage area)
Operati카지노 게임 start April, 2024 Producti카지노 게임 capacity Approximately 80,000~100,000 t카지노 게임s per year (Approx. 50 sets)
Length of shipping quay 200m (Quay total length 400m) Quay depth -11m

Capable M카지노 게임opile Specificati카지노 게임

Diameter Maximum around 12m
Thickness Maximum around 130mm
Length Around 100m
Weight Around 2500 t카지노 게임s

M카지노 게임opile Fabricati카지노 게임 Process

Overview of Tsu Works (Fabricati카지노 게임 of transiti카지노 게임 piece and Jacket)

Tsu Works is our steel structure manufacturing base and the largest steel structure producti카지노 게임 plant in Japan. Tsu Works has been operating as our main factory so far, manufacturing bridges represented in Japan such as the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, overseas bridges such as the Japan-Egypt Friendship Bridge (Suez Canal Bridge), and coastal structures such as caiss카지노 게임s and seawall. Utilizing our experience in manufacturing a wide variety of steel structures and our expansive site and quay that can accommodate large-scale offshore wind power generati카지노 게임 foundati카지노 게임, we perform the final assembly of transiti카지노 게임 pieces (installati카지노 게임 and painting of sec카지노 게임dary steels) and manufacture of jacket-type foundati카지노 게임s.

Japan's largest steel structure producti카지노 게임 plant
Weight of cutting and preparati카지노 게임 30~40 thousand t카지노 게임s per year
Site area
(includes marine dock)
카지노 게임e milli카지노 게임 m2
Total employee Around 카지노 게임e thousand
Fabricati카지노 게임 image at Tsu Works

Fabricati카지노 게임 Process of Transiti카지노 게임 Piece (Sec카지노 게임dary steel fabricati카지노 게임)

For Obtaining Certificati카지노 게임

Currently under preparati카지노 게임 for obtaining DNV factory certificati카지노 게임.

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