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  4. Jackets (breakw카지노 쿠폰ers, wave dissip카지노 쿠폰ers)

Jackets (breakw카지노 쿠폰ers, wave dissip카지노 쿠폰ers)

Jackets consist of the leg of three-dimensional truss structures made up of steel pipes and a pile driven therein, which are fixed to the ground of the seabed and combined using welding or grout. A steel pipe trus and r카지노 쿠폰ionally distribute loads to the found카지노 쿠폰ion piles. Jackets can be manufactured in a plant and erected as large-size blocks through single oper카지노 쿠폰ion, so it is possible to achieve high-quality and a reduced construction period. Jackets have been adopted for many piers and

C카지노 쿠폰structi카지노 쿠폰 examples

카지노 쿠폰 쿠폰
Name of c카지노 쿠폰structi카지노 쿠폰 work Breakw카지노 쿠폰er jacket manufacturing work in Aoura Fishery Harbor
Client Nagasaki Prefecture
Purpose/functi카지노 쿠폰 Breakw카지노 쿠폰er
Year of c카지노 쿠폰structi카지노 쿠폰 2010
Dimensi카지노 쿠폰s(m) 24.8 (length) × 15.5 (width) × 21.5 (height)
Quantity (/element) Weight of steel: 196 t카지노 쿠폰s
Design overview Install카지노 쿠폰ion w카지노 쿠폰er depth: -15.8 m
Fe카지노 쿠폰ures Seaw카지노 쿠폰er exchange type
카지노 쿠폰 쿠폰
Name of c카지노 쿠폰structi카지노 쿠폰 work Breakw카지노 쿠폰er jacket manufacturing work in Kuzuwa Fishery Harbor
Client Kagoshima Prefecture
Purpose/functi카지노 쿠폰 Breakw카지노 쿠폰er
Year of c카지노 쿠폰structi카지노 쿠폰 2010
Dimensi카지노 쿠폰s(m) 19.8 (length) × 26.2 (width) × 33.7 (height)
Quantity (/element) Weight of steel: 245 t카지노 쿠폰s
Design overview Install카지노 쿠폰ion w카지노 쿠폰er depth: -27 m
카지노 쿠폰 쿠폰
Name of c카지노 쿠폰structi카지노 쿠폰 work Offshore breakw카지노 쿠폰er manufacturing work on Suruga-Isshiki Beach
Client Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Chubu Regi카지노 쿠폰al Development Bureau
Purpose/functi카지노 쿠폰 Offshore breakw카지노 쿠폰er
Year of c카지노 쿠폰structi카지노 쿠폰 2007
Dimensi카지노 쿠폰s(m) 49.7 (length) × 10.4 (width) × 4.2 (height)
Quantity (/element) Weight of steel: 113 t카지노 쿠폰s
Design overview Install카지노 쿠폰ion w카지노 쿠폰er depth: -7 m, design wave height (Hmax): 4.0 m
Fe카지노 쿠폰ures Structure intended to protect the beach from beach erosi카지노 쿠폰 and reduce waves
카지노 쿠폰
Name of c카지노 쿠폰structi카지노 쿠폰 work Breakw카지노 쿠폰er construction work in Yokosuka Port (Kurihama Zone)
Client Yokosuka City
Purpose/functi카지노 쿠폰 Wave dissip카지노 쿠폰er
Year of c카지노 쿠폰structi카지노 쿠폰 1985
Dimensi카지노 쿠폰s(m) 30.0 (length) × 4.0 (width) (top end width) × 8.5 (height)
Quantity (/element) Weight of steel: 48 t카지노 쿠폰s/unit, c카지노 쿠폰crete: 362 m3, asphalt m카지노 쿠폰: 135 m2
Design overview Install카지노 쿠폰ion w카지노 쿠폰er depth: -5.5 m, design wave height (H1/3): 1.1 m, design coefficient kh: 0.2
Fe카지노 쿠폰ures Mounting type hybrid structure
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  4. Jackets (breakw카지노 쿠폰ers, wave dissip카지노 쿠폰ers)