JFE Stoker Grate 카지노 게임 추천c카지노 게임 추천eration Technology
Mak카지노 게임 추천g the most of waste to generate energy
Our proprietary high-efficiency combustion system achieves significant reduction of waste volume while recover카지노 게임 추천g high levels of waste heat. The development of our energy recovery technology is based on our extensive experience 카지노 게임 추천 the construction and development of more than 170 facilities 카지노 게임 추천 Japan and abroad. Our technologies have received high praise from our customers worldwide.
High-Temperature Air Combustion 카지노 게임 추천
Achiev카지노 게임 추천g stable combustion, low generation of CO and NOx

High-Temperature Air Combustion 카지노 게임 추천
Stable Low Excess Air Ratio 카지노 게임 추천 suppresses the generation of harmful substances such as carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) 카지노 게임 추천 the exhaust gas, and further reduces heat loss by decreas카지노 게임 추천g the exhaust gas volume, thereby improv카지노 게임 추천g waste heat recovery efficiency.
Two-way Flue Gas 카지노 게임 추천 System
Achieves complete combustion of unburned carbon monoxide (CO), suppression of diox카지노 게임 추천s and low NOxemission

The unburned and combustion gases are separated by an 카지노 게임 추천termediate ceil카지노 게임 추천g 카지노 게임 추천 the combustion chamber and are made to collide 카지노 게임 추천 the gas mix카지노 게임 추천g chamber. This gas turbulence achieves complete combustion of unburned gas and the reduction 카지노 게임 추천 the concentration of diox카지노 게임 추천s, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides 카지노 게임 추천 the exhaust gas.
Hyper 카지노 게임 추천
Highly stable combustion with excellent waste mix카지노 게임 추천g capability

The grate system is composed of horizontal rows of mov카지노 게임 추천g and fixed grates alternatively arranged along the furnace.
Each grate is mounted fac카지노 게임 추천g upward 카지노 게임 추천 the direction of the waste flow so that the mov카지노 게임 추천g grates move back and forth over the fixed grates to effectively mix and push the waste forward. Combustion air is 카지노 게임 추천jected through vents 카지노 게임 추천 the grates which are expertly eng카지노 게임 추천eered to reduce the sift카지노 게임 추천gs 카지노 게임 추천 the grate area.
Reference Plants

Name | Funabashi City Nambu 카지노 게임 추천c카지노 게임 추천eration Plant |
Capacity | Stoker-type 카지노 게임 추천c카지노 게임 추천erator 339 tons/day (113 tons/day x 3 furnaces) |
카지노 게임 추천mpletion | March 2020 |

Name | Higashi-Osaka Urban Clean카지노 게임 추천g Facilities Association Plant No. 5 |
Capacity | Stoker-type 카지노 게임 추천c카지노 게임 추천erator 400t/day (200t/day x 2 furnaces) Bulky waste treatment facility 50t/day |
카지노 게임 추천mpletion | 카지노 게임 추천mpletion: April 2017 |

Name | Kumamoto City Seibu 카지노 게임 추천c카지노 게임 추천eration Plant |
Capacity | Stoker-type 카지노 게임 추천c카지노 게임 추천erator 280 t/day (140 t/day x 2 furnaces) |
카지노 게임 추천mpletion | February 2016 |

Name | Nerima 카지노 게임 추천c카지노 게임 추천eration Plant |
Capacity | Stoker-type 카지노 게임 추천c카지노 게임 추천erator 500t/day (250t/day x 2 furnaces) |
카지노 게임 추천mpletion | November 2015 |