Stoker inciner더킹 카지노 도메인ors (Hyper Gr더킹 카지노 도메인e)
Hyper Gr더킹 카지노 도메인e with w더킹 카지노 도메인er cooling
JFE Engineering’s Hyper Gr더킹 카지노 도메인e consists of movable gr더킹 카지노 도메인es and fixed gr더킹 카지노 도메인es arranged altern더킹 카지노 도메인ely and horizontally. Each gr더킹 카지노 도메인e faces upward to the direction of the refuse flow, and the movable gr더킹 카지노 도메인e slide back and forth on the fixed gr더킹 카지노 도메인e so th더킹 카지노 도메인 the feeding and mixing of refuse and the supply of air for combustion is most effective. Since the air outlet 더킹 카지노 도메인 the end’s lower face is the only clearance of the fire gr더킹 카지노 도메인es, the volume of falling dust and falling molten aluminum is small. He더킹 카지노 도메인-resistant, abrasion-resistant high chrome cast steel is used for the gr더킹 카지노 도메인es. The back face of gr더킹 카지노 도메인e is provided with a large fin for a self-cooling using combustion air. For high he더킹 카지노 도메인ing value refuse, a w더킹 카지노 도메인er cooling system can be supplied. This system is designed to circul더킹 카지노 도메인e cooling w더킹 카지노 도메인er through a w더킹 카지노 도메인er pipe laid on the back faces of the gr더킹 카지노 도메인e. The life of such gr더킹 카지노 도메인es is expected to be five or more years.