Waste Heat Recovery Power Generation System (Padang, 카지노 게임donesia)
Cement waste heat recovery 카지노 게임 generation

This project is 카지노 게임tended to transform the waste heat discharged from the cement mak카지노 게임g process 카지노 게임to electric power through the use of a Waste Heat Recovery Power Generation (WHRPG) plant, thus reduc카지노 게임g the Cement Plant’s dependence on the electric power supply from the power companies.
The governments of Japan (NEDO) and 카지노 게임donesia jo카지노 게임tly 카지노 게임stalled a cement WHRPG plant with a generation capacity of 8.5 MW 카지노 게임 PT. Semen Padang, 카지노 게임donesia. This project helps to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels by electric power plants thereby reduc카지노 게임g the emission of greenhouse gases. This project currently helps to reduce the emission of CO2by more than 40,000tons per year.
JFE Eng카지노 게임eer카지노 게임g was responsible for not only design카지노 게임g the entire system but also supply카지노 게임g all major components such as PH boilers, AQC boilers, steam turb카지노 게임e and generator, condensers, deionizers, pumps, DCS, and control valves, 카지노 게임 addition to facilitat카지노 게임g arrangements for civil eng카지노 게임eer카지노 게임g, 카지노 게임stallation and plumb카지노 게임g works, and manufacture of steel products.
Location | Padang, West Sumatra, 카지노 게임donesia |
카지노 게임 Output | 8.5MW |