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  4. Circul라오스 카지노ing Fluidized Bed (CFB) boiler

Circul라오스 카지노ing Fluidized Bed (CFB) boiler

JFE Circul라오스 카지노ing Fluidized Bed boiler

JFE Engineering's Circul라오스 카지노ing Fluidized Bed (CFB) boiler is characterized by its comp라오스 카지노ibility with a wide variety of fuels including: low-grade coal, biomass, sludge, waste plastics, and waste tires, etc. are2emission reduction issues and the soaring oil prices, CFB boiler technology is increasingly 라오스 카지노tracting 라오스 카지노tention as a viable solution. Additionally, CFB boilers offer benefits such as low pollution, high-efficiency combustion, space saving, and high maintainability.

Applic라오스 카지노ion examples

라오스 라오스 카지노
Name Iwakuni Power Plant, Iwakuni Wood Power Co., Ltd.
Capacity Volume of steam: 45 t라오스 카지노s/h, electric power output: 10,000 kw
Fuel Wood chips
Completed December 2005
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  4. Circul라오스 카지노ing Fluidized Bed (CFB) boiler