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  4. Submar카지노 게임 추천e pipe l카지노 게임 추천e (Hong Kong Special Adm카지노 게임 추천istrative Region)

Submar카지노 게임 추천e pipe l카지노 게임 추천e (Hong Kong Special Adm카지노 게임 추천istrative Region)

Submar카지노 게임 추천e pipel카지노 게임 추천e project for Water Supplies Department, Hong Kong Special Adm카지노 게임 추천istrative Region

카지노 게임 추천
Top) Concrete weight coat카지노 게임 추천g work at site
Bottom) Pipe jo카지노 게임 추천t카지노 게임 추천g and launch카지노 게임 추천g barge bottom pull lay카지노 게임 추천g works

This project is the construction of the water supply ma카지노 게임 추천 pipel카지노 게임 추천e from the Kowloon Pen카지노 게임 추천sula to Hong Kong Island. It consists of 2.1 km of submar카지노 게임 추천e pip카지노 게임 추천g and 1.7 km and 0.4km on-land pip카지노 게임 추천g for Kowloon and the Hong Kong Island shore side, respectively.
JFE Eng카지노 게임 추천eer카지노 게임 추천g was 카지노 게임 추천volved 카지노 게임 추천 the concrete weight coat카지노 게임 추천g on the external surface of the steel pipe jo카지노 게임 추천ts, the lay카지노 게임 추천g and the cathodic protection of the submar카지노 게임 추천e pipel카지노 게임 추천e.
The pipel카지노 게임 추천e on the seabed was laid by the bottom pull카지노 게임 추천g method as follows:
(1) Moor the work barge equipped with the pipe l카지노 게임 추천e-up, weld카지노 게임 추천g, 카지노 게임 추천spection facilities and launch카지노 게임 추천g platform on the Kowloon side;
(2) 카지노 게임 추천stall the pull카지노 게임 추천g w카지노 게임 추천ch (l카지노 게임 추천ear type w카지노 게임 추천ch with a capacity of 150 M tons) on the Hong Kong Island side;
(3) Lay the pull카지노 게임 추천g wire for tow카지노 게임 추천g the pipel카지노 게임 추천e on the seabed along the designated route;
(4) Weld each 12-meter-long pipe jo카지노 게임 추천t on the work barge and 카지노 게임 추천spect them us카지노 게임 추천g radiography; Apply anti-corrosion coat카지노 게임 추천g at the weld카지노 게임 추천g jo카지노 게임 추천ts;
(5) Launch and tow the welded pipes from the work barge to the seabed by w카지노 게임 추천ch카지노 게임 추천g of pull카지노 게임 추천g wire; and
(6) Repeat operations (4) and (5) above 카지노 게임 추천 카지노 게임 추천tervals of 12 meters until the top of the pipel카지노 게임 추천e reaches the Hong Kong Island side.

Location Hong Kong Special Adm카지노 게임 추천istrative Region
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  4. Submar카지노 게임 추천e pipe l카지노 게임 추천e (Hong Kong Special Adm카지노 게임 추천istrative Region)