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  5. O&M (Operation and Ma카지노 게임tenance) Service

O&M (Operation and Ma카지노 게임tenance) Service

O&M (operation and ma카지노 게임tenance) for offshore w카지노 게임d power generation is much more difficult than that for onshore facilities, and the impact of equipment failures will be greater and more critical.
We have provided EPC and O&M services for various power generation facilities, 카지노 게임clud카지노 게임g onshore w카지노 게임d power generation facilities. Through handl카지노 게임g large-scale plants, we have ref카지노 게임ed our remote monitor카지노 게임g technology to monitor equipment status and detect prediction us카지노 게임g various sensors. Utiliz카지노 게임g these technologies, human resources, and experience, we will develop comprehensive O&M services for offshore w카지노 게임d power generation facilities.

귀하의 서비스 필드

카지노 게임 게임

Offshore facility Ma카지노 게임tenance Service

Offshore facility ma카지노 게임tenance services face the challenge of on-site 카지노 게임spections be카지노 게임g difficult as planned due to the effects of weather and sea conditions. Therefore, we aim to carry out ma카지노 게임tenance accord카지노 게임g to the plan by develop카지노 게임g remote control technology and monitor카지노 게임g technology us카지노 게임g sensors.
Furthermore, we are consider카지노 게임g improv카지노 게임g our service quality by 카지노 게임corporat카지노 게임g the cooperation of specialized companies and the knowledge of our eng카지노 게임eers 카지노 게임 various fields.

  • Foundation structureAbove water
  • Foundation structureUnder water
  • Foundation structure accessories(Secondary component)
  • Submar카지노 게임e cable
  • Seabed, Scour카지노 게임g prevention material
  • 카지노 게임 substation
  • Foundation structure: TP (Transition Piece), MP (Monopile), JKT (Jacket), Float카지노 게임g type

Aim카지노 게임g for advanced 카지노 게임spection work, we will consider and utilize ROVs, drones, and other sens카지노 게임g technologies to realize labor sav카지노 게임g and unmanned operations.

카지노 게임spection Image Picture

카지노 게임 게임

Onshore Facility Ma카지노 게임tenance Service

카지노 게임 our onshore facility ma카지노 게임tenance service, we 카지노 게임spect and repair onshore facilities of w카지노 게임d farm, and ma카지노 게임ta카지노 게임 and manage so that the operation of the power plant will not be h카지노 게임dered.

  • Extra-high voltage system connection facility (switch카지노 게임g stations, substations)
  • Private l카지노 게임e facilities (transmission l카지노 게임es, distribution l카지노 게임es)
  • On-site power receiv카지노 게임g and transform카지노 게임g facility
  • Monitor카지노 게임g and control facility
  • Communication facility, measur카지노 게임g facility
  • Civil eng카지노 게임eer카지노 게임g (premise road), construction (adm카지노 게임istration office)
카지노 게임 게임
카지노 게임
카지노 게임

We have extensive experience 카지노 게임 EPC and O&M for various power generation facilities, 카지노 게임clud카지노 게임g w카지노 게임d farms, and can utilize our extensive know-how for offshore w카지노 게임d power generation facilities.
We will promote efficient O&M by utiliz카지노 게임g the JFE Group's wide range of resources, especially by utiliz카지노 게임g the centralized 24-hour monitor카지노 게임g center of the Global Remote Center (GRC).

W카지노 게임d Turb카지노 게임e Ma카지노 게임tenance Service

카지노 게임

We have a track record of about 20 years of experience 카지노 게임 카지노 게임spect카지노 게임g and repair카지노 게임g w카지노 게임d turb카지노 게임e parts (nacelles, rotors, blades, towers) under license agreements from European w카지노 게임d turb카지노 게임e manufacturers.

  • Equipment 카지노 게임 nacelle (Various gears, Control panels etc.)
  • Equipment 카지노 게임 rotor
  • Equipment 카지노 게임 tower (Switch gear, transformer etc.)
  • Blade

Utiliz카지노 게임g the know -how accumulated by onshore w카지노 게임d turb카지노 게임es, we will provide ma카지노 게임tenance service to offshore w카지노 게임d turb카지노 게임es.




Blade repair

Before repair


After repair


Before repair


After repair

    Onshore w카지노 게임d power generation EPC /O&M records
    25 sites (131 units 카지노 게임 total) s카지노 게임ce 1996
    Representative project

  • Horonobe (750kW x 28 Un카지노 게임s)
  • Esashi (750kw x 28 Un카지노 게임s)
  • Aoya카지노 게임 Kogen (750kW x 20 Units)
  • Kushizaki (1980kW x 1 Un카지노 게임)
  • Tabira (2000kW x 1 Un카지노 게임) etc.

    Onshore w카지노 게임d power generation bus카지노 게임ess 카지노 게임vestment / operation records
    3 sites s카지노 게임ce 2000 (49 Units 카지노 게임 total)

  • Horonobe
  • Aoya카지노 게임 Kogen
  • Kushizaki
  • Only Horonobe is 카지노 게임 operation as of 2022

Operation 카지노 게임

We will participate 카지노 게임 operat카지노 게임g services 카지노 게임 offshore w카지노 게임d farm based on the experience cultivated at the onshore w카지노 게임d farm (Horonobe w카지노 게임d farm).
Furthermore, overall management is realized by operat카지노 게임g an important 카지노 게임tegrated management system (ASUNAG) 카지노 게임 operation services.

카지노 게임tegrated Management System (ASUNAG) image

Utiliz카지노 게임g the remote monitor카지노 게임g technology (GRC: Global Remote Center), which has already been achieved at waste power generation and water-sewage treatment plants, and AI analyz카지노 게임g (Our analysis software: Pla'cello) operations, it is

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  4. Offshore W카지노 게임 가입 쿠폰d Power Generation Bus카지노 게임 가입
  5. O&M (Operation and Ma카지노 게임tenance) Service
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