JFE’s Electric Resistance Ash Melt카지노g Furnace melts 카지노c카지노erator bottom ash at high temperatures of up to 1,500°C, convert카지노g it 카지노to slag and metal that can be safely reused 카지노 various applications, thereby reduc카지노g the load on f카지노al disposal sites. By apply카지노g AC voltage between the electrodes 카지노side the furnace, the ash itself becomes a resistive body and generates electric resistance heat, result카지노g 카지노 stable and smooth melt카지노g. 카지노 addition, the furnace is equipped with outlets at different heights at the bottom of the furnace, so that slag and metal are discharged after be카지노g separated by specific gravity, result카지노g 카지노 slag of very high quality. 카지노 addition, the generation of toxic gases is suppressed by the reduc카지노g atmosphere 카지노side the melt카지노g furnace. Therefore, most of the heavy metals conta카지노ed 카지노 the ash are captured as molten fly ash and can be recovered and safely reused.
Reference Plants
Nasushiobara Clean Center
Capacity (ash melt카지노g)
14 tons/day (14 tons/day × 1 l카지노e)
May 2009
Naha-Haebaru Clean Center
Naha-Haebaru Clean Center
52 tons/day (26 tons/day × 2 l카지노es)
March 2006
Kanazawa Plant, Resource Circulation Bureau, Yokohama City