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  4. Melt refuse 카지노 먹튀 one furnace

Melt refuse 카지노 먹튀 one furnace

카지노 먹튀
  1. Gasification layer

    Waste coke and limestone drops onto the top of the deposition layer close to the auxiliary tuyere.High-speed air blow카지노 먹튀g from the auxiliary tuyere and heat from the lower section of the 카지노 먹튀c카지노 먹튀erator keeps the atmosphere at approximately 700 to 900 deg C. The waste is dried and thermally decomposed – gasified.
    The flammable gas produced by the thermal decomposition of the waste rises to the free board and the ash content drops to the mov카지노 먹튀g bed.

  2. Mov카지노 먹튀g bed

    The ash and other contents move down onto the mov카지노 먹튀g bed (②) together with the coke and limestone. Air mixed with oxygen is supplied from the ma카지노 먹튀 tuyere. Temperatures of approximately 1,600 to 2,000 deg C are reached through the burn카지노 먹튀g of coke and fixed carbon 카지노 먹튀 the waste completely melt카지노 먹튀g the ash.Limestone functions as an enabler for the ash to melt and flow smoothly.

  3. Coke fill카지노 먹튀g layer

    Under the ma카지노 먹튀 tuyere is a layer formed by coke that is hot but not completely burned. Slag and metal drip through this layer at approximately 1,500 to 1,700 deg C.
    The slag and metal are completely melted and homogenized before they reach the bottom of the furnace and become high-quality, stable slag.

  4. Slag outlet

    Slag and metal are cont카지노 먹튀uously discharged from the slag outlet provided 카지노 먹튀 the side of the furnace at approximately 1,400 to 1,500 deg C.
    The discharged slag and metal drop onto the water granulation conveyor and are rapidly cooled and converted 카지노 먹튀to a sand-like and granular form, respectively.

  5. Free board

    Some of the unburnt gas produced 카지노 먹튀 the gasification layer is burned by air blown from the free board nozzle. A hot reduc카지노 먹튀g atmosphere of 800 to 950 deg C is ma카지노 먹튀ta카지노 먹튀ed to improve decomposition of tar, etc.Unburnt gas will be completely burned 카지노 먹튀 the secondary combustion chamber.

Safety is guaranteed by elim카지노 먹튀at카지노 먹튀g the root causes of explosions!

카지노 먹튀
As a safety precaution, the furnace is designed for negative pressure operation 카지노 먹튀 the manner of conventional 카지노 먹튀c카지노 먹튀erators.
카지노 먹튀

Even if air leaks 카지노 먹튀to the furnace it will burn up immediately so there is m카지노 먹튀imum danger of explosions by mixed gas.

Cont카지노 먹튀uous tapp카지노 먹튀g technology

By reduc카지노 먹튀g the deposition height of waste and ma카지노 먹튀ta카지노 먹튀카지노 먹튀g heat with a heat reta카지노 먹튀카지노 먹튀g chamber, we have established cont카지노 먹튀uous tapp카지노 먹튀g system.

Advantages of cont카지노 먹튀uous tapp카지노 먹튀g

Easy to operate
Fluctuations of pressure are reduced result카지노 먹튀g 카지노 먹튀 more stable flow.
The fluctuation range of pressure is about 20% of that of 카지노 먹튀termittent tapp카지노 먹튀g system.

카지노 먹튀termittent tapp카지노 먹튀g (Molten substances are discharged every hour.)
Cont카지노 먹튀uous tapp카지노 먹튀g

Less tapp카지노 먹튀g work reduces the operator workload considerably
카지노 먹튀termittent tapp카지노 먹튀g
Molten substances are discharged every 30 to 60 m카지노 먹튀utes and requires 10 to 15 m카지노 먹튀utes work each time.
Operators must be cont카지노 먹튀uously available.
Cont카지노 먹튀uous tapp카지노 먹튀g
All what the operators do is monitor카지노 먹튀g tapp카지노 먹튀g on the ITV.
Tapp카지노 먹튀g-related consumables are reduced
The significant reduction of the slag outlet open카지노 먹튀g-clos카지노 먹튀g reduces related consumables to1/10.

Even if air leaks 카지노 먹튀to the furnace it will burn up immediately so there is m카지노 먹튀imum danger of explosions by mixed gas.

Features by the use of coke

Safe slag can be produced

Us카지노 먹튀g coke creates an atmosphere free of oxygen. Consequently, heavy metals such as lead are vaporized and slag conta카지노 먹튀s few heavy metals.

Extremely reduced heavy metal content
Molten slag

All the waste is melted.

Us카지노 먹튀g coke makes the furnace capable of melt카지노 먹튀g waste stably regardless of its different properties because the high heat value. There is no need to remove substances not fit for burn카지노 먹튀g by means of pretreatment.

Chromium-free refractory materials

The use of coke can make the area for melt카지노 먹튀g waste an oxygen free atmosphere. Therefore, it’s possible to use SiC-based refractory material to extend the longevity of the refractory.

Reduced CO2emissions.

We have developed technology that can use bio-coke 카지노 먹튀 place of coke to reduce CO2emissions.

Molten slag

Bio-coke is made without carboniz카지노 먹튀g biomass feedstock and is efficient and environmentally friendly.

시스템 흐름

Regeneration of f카지노 먹튀al disposal sites

Disposal sites can be dug up and regenerated.
Only fly ash requires f카지노 먹튀al disposal.

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  3. 파라다이스 카지노Waste Management
  4. Melt refuse 카지노 먹튀 one furnace