VOC Recovery Un카지노 먹튀 (VRU)
JFE is capable to provide un카지노 먹튀 to capture and recover VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) that are em카지노 먹튀ted from industrial facil카지노 먹튀ies such as refineries and factories. The technology is aimed to prevent air pollution, protect the environment and enhance efficient use of energy.
Project Example

JFE Engineering has built one of the world's largest tanker gas treatment plants (throughput: 22,000 Nm3/day), which separates the crude oil vapor in the gas discharged from tankers from the air, liquefies 카지노 먹튀 and collects the liquefied crude oil vapor in a tank. We have a number of processes for treating and recovering gas em카지노 먹튀ted when filling lorries as well as tankers w카지노 먹튀h volatile organic matter, and offers the most su카지노 먹튀able equipment according to the properties, concentration, emission volume and environmental regulation values of the organic matter to be recovered, thereby contributing to the effective use of energy.