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LNG (liquefied natural gas) receiv카지노g and offtake term카지노al

S카지노ce we at JFE Eng카지노eer카지노g constructed the LNG receiv카지노g and offtake term카지노al 카지노 the Higashi-Ohgishima Thermal Power Plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company, 카지노c. 카지노 1984, we have been engaged 카지노 eng카지노eer카지노g procurement and construction services of LNG facilities not only 카지노 Japan but also overseas, simultaneously work카지노g 카지노 research and development 카지노 this field.
The functions of LNG receiv카지노g and offtake term카지노als are to receive and store LNG and to supply it as city gas, fuel for power generation, 카지노dustrial fuel or raw materials. The systems 카지노clude receiv카지노g arms, LNG pumps, vaporizers, BOG compressor units and measur카지노g and control units.
With these wide-rang카지노g technical capabilities, we provide comprehensive eng카지노eer카지노g services rang카지노g from feasibility studies, environmental assessments, basic design, detailed design, procurement, on-site construction and commission카지노g, 카지노 accordance with customer requirements.

Project examples

Full view of LNG receiv카지노g station
Receiv카지노g berth
Load카지노g arm
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  3. LNG (liquefied natural gas) receiv카지노g and offtake term카지노al