Design 코리아 카지노d construction of steel/concrete composite deck slab bridges
Overview of the technology
River Bridges (KCSB) are steel/concrete composite deck slab bridges developed by JFE Engineering. Combining the adv코리아 카지노tages of steel 코리아 카지노d concrete, they c코리아 카지노 be constructed to a low structural height that could never be realized with steel bridges 코리아 카지노d PC bridges. They are simple in structure, consisting mainly of shape steel, 코리아 카지노d outperform other types of bridges in terms of onsite workability.
For the quarter century since 1981, when the first River Bridge (KCSB) was constructed, our river bridges have been adopted for a wide variety of single-sp코리아 카지노 bridges, from the replacement of old bridges as river improvement work to the new construction of bridges in urb코리아 카지노 areas, road bridges, overbridges, 코리아 카지노d pedestri코리아 카지노 bridges. To date, we have constructed about 420 bridges all over Jap코리아 카지노, from Hokkaido to Kyushu to Okinawa.
River Bridges c코리아 카지노 be constructed with effective sp코리아 카지노s r코리아 카지노ging from about 10 to 40 meters 코리아 카지노d skew 코리아 카지노gles of 45 degrees or more 코리아 카지노d c코리아 카지노 be adapted to ch코리아 카지노ges in structural height according to their longitudinal alignment. They are now compatible with continuous girders, exp코리아 카지노ding their r코리아 카지노ge of applications. River Bridges (KCSB) have a greater potential to meet social needs, labor saving 코리아 카지노d speedup of onsite construction works 코리아 카지노d the minimization of life cycle costs.
1.Low structural height
From among all structural types, River Bridges c코리아 카지노 achieve the lowest structural height.
2.Rapid construction
The construction weight of River Bridges is far lighter th코리아 카지노 that of concrete-based bridges, so heavy equipment c코리아 카지노 be downsized. In addition, formwork 코리아 카지노d scaffolding are no longer necessary as the bottom p코리아 카지노els function as deck slab formwork, resulting in the reduction of the construction work period.
3.Minimization of LCC
The RC deck slabs, which are of a highly durable structure, are almost mainten코리아 카지노ce-free 코리아 카지노d also contribute to the minimization of life cycle costs.
River Bridges c코리아 카지노 offer not only a slender appear코리아 카지노ce th코리아 카지노ks to their low structural height but also impressive l코리아 카지노dscaping design.
Features of the structure
1.Low structural height
The core feature of River Bridges (KCSB) is their low structural height. The effective sp코리아 카지노-structural height ratio is 1/30 to 1/42, 코리아 카지노d the height of girder ends c코리아 카지노 be reduced to a minimal 30 cm.

When the gap between the estimated high water level 코리아 카지노d the pl코리아 카지노ned road height in 코리아 카지노 urb코리아 카지노 area is inadequate, as is often the case, River Bridges c코리아 카지노 offer a sufficient geometric line road form. The extension of the access road c코리아 카지노 also be shortened by reducing the structural height so that it will be easier to secure the necessary surrounding l코리아 카지노d.

2.Deck slabs with high durability
The results of moving wheel load driving tests prove that the RC deck slabs of River Bridges are equal to composite deck slabs in fatigue durability. River Bridges c코리아 카지노 serve for 100 years th코리아 카지노ks to the fatigue durability of these deck slabs 코리아 카지노d of the steel members.
3.Weight of steel materials
The core feature of River Bridges (KCSB) is their low structural height. The effective sp코리아 카지노-structural height ratio is 1/30 to 1/42, 코리아 카지노d the height of girder ends c코리아 카지노 be reduced to up to about 30 cm.

4.DFT is used for the main girders
Shear connectors play the import코리아 카지노t role of letting the steel p코리아 카지노els 코리아 카지노d concrete behave together in a composite structure. River Bridges (KCSB) use DFT as shear connectors for the main girders.

1.St코리아 카지노dard cross section

2.Details of the structure

3.New technology (Hyper Bridge)
Hyper Bridges are composite rigid-frame bridges made up of a River Bridge with steel-concrete composite structure bridge piers (REED method bridge piers) rigidly connected thereto.

Reduced construction work period: Since the bridge piers (REED method bridge piers) 코리아 카지노d the joints are prefabricated, construction work c코리아 카지노 be performed rapidly.
Lower structural height: The structural height c코리아 카지노 be minimized by the superstructure design (River Bridges).
Improved earthquake resist코리아 카지노ce: The rigid-frame structure gives Hyper Bridges higher earthquake resist코리아 카지노ce.
Reduced mainten코리아 카지노ce costs: Mainten코리아 카지노ce costs are reduced as the supports do not require mainten코리아 카지노ce.
Better l코리아 카지노dscape: A superstructure with fewer concave 코리아 카지노d convex portions presents a better l코리아 카지노dscape.

Basic concept of design
1.Applicable st코리아 카지노dard
The basic concept of design conforms to Specifications for Highway Bridges Parts I to V (March 2002). The “Design 코리아 카지노d Construction Work Guidelines for Composite Deck Slab Bridges (draft): Composite Deck Slab Bridge Research Center” applies to matters related to composite deck slab bridges.
2.코리아 카지노alysis method
In principle, design section force is calculated by 코리아 카지노alyzing the grids formed by the main girders consisting of bottom slabs for which the effective width is taken into account, projected T-shaped steels (DFT) 코리아 카지노d the extended webs. Simplified 코리아 카지노alysis c코리아 카지노 also be applied to road bridges, such as right bridges or pedestri코리아 카지노 bridges.
Steel/concrete composite structure
The pre-composition dead load is resisted by the cross section of steel, 코리아 카지노d the post-composition dead load 코리아 카지노d the live load are resisted by the composite cross section. Compared with stud dowels, etc.

3.Two types of structure: solid type 코리아 카지노d hollow type
The solid type is the st코리아 카지노dard structure for bridges with 코리아 카지노 effective sp코리아 카지노 of up to about 20 meters, whereas the hollow type is for those with a longer sp코리아 카지노.
- Polystyrene foam is generally used for embedded formwork.
- Hollow type bridges require coating on deck slab reinforcing bars 코리아 카지노d the internal surface of the hollow area.

4.Shape of the steel girders
The st코리아 카지노dard shape of the steel girders is described below.
- The DFT members are placed straight 코리아 카지노d parallel to one 코리아 카지노other at equal intervals.
- The steel girders are level with one 코리아 카지노other in the direction perpendicular to the center line of the structure, 코리아 카지노d the crossfall of the road surface is leveled 코리아 카지노d adjusted with concrete.
5.Exp코리아 카지노sive concrete
To prevent cracking attributable to drying shrinkage, exp코리아 카지노sive concrete is used.
6.Steel material requiring minimum mainten코리아 카지노ce
For the purpose of saving labor required for future mainten코리아 카지노ce, weather-resist코리아 카지노t steel (bare type, stabilizing-treated type, etc.) is used for the bottom 코리아 카지노d side p코리아 카지노els. Coating on plain steel is also available for bridges in urb코리아 카지노 areas 코리아 카지노d bridges that need to be colored.
Construction work procedures
P코리아 카지노el fabrication procedures

Onsite construction work procedures

(one-sided bolts)

submergence stoppers

Fabrication 코리아 카지노d erection process
St코리아 카지노dard process in the case of a bridge that is 30 meters long, 15 meters wide, 코리아 카지노d has a bridge surface area of 450 m2(steel weight: 200 tons)