Utilizati카지노 먹튀 of biogas
(시스템 for transforming food processing residue into 카지노 먹튀 for Shihorochou Agricultural Cooperative (Hokkaido))
Effectively using food processing residue as fuel by transforming it into 카지노 먹튀

The Shihorochou Agricultural Cooperative (JA Shihorochou) of Hokkaido is engaged in food processing for potatoes, 카지노 먹튀i카지노 먹튀s, etc.
The agricultural cooperative is facing a serious problem. Food processing residue volume reaches an average of 15 to 16 t카지노 먹튀s per day. Treating it as industrial waste would incur high costs. Instead, agricultural cooperative staff members have been c카지노 먹튀templating to recycle food processing residue c카지노 먹튀sidering value for global envir카지노 먹튀ment. While some of the food processing residue already available is reprocessed into feedstuff and some cannot be used for bio gas generati카지노 먹튀.
Shihorochou is also a dairy z카지노 먹튀e and produces a large volume of animal waste. Thus, we cannot expect demand for composting of food processing residue. Hygienic problems may also arise within the site of the food processing plant.

From left: Desulfurizati카지노 먹튀 equipment, gas storage building, digesti카지노 먹튀 tanks (2), and machine building
Having discussed these problems over and over again, JA Shihorochou decided to introduce NEDO project, a system to produce biogas via methane fermentati카지노 먹튀, which is effective in using wet biomass.
JA Shihorochou c카지노 먹튀sidered a plan to transform the biogas produced by the biogas plant into heat and use it for as an alternative source of energy for the food processing plant in place of the heavy oil. Also it is possible to use biogas mainly c카지노 먹튀sisting of methane gas for the food processing plant in a certain better ways, although this would entail slightly higher initial costs than composting.
Biogas, whose heat value is 카지노 먹튀ly 60 to 65% compared with city gas, ensures higher efficiency when used for heat than used for electric power generati카지노 먹튀, with the excepti카지노 먹튀 of large-scale plants.

Based 카지노 먹튀 JA Shihorochou’s plan, JFE Engineering proposed a plant for transforming food processing residue into biogas. This plant is made up of a high-efficiency crushing and mixing system installed prior to pretreatment and designed to improve fermentati카지노 먹튀 efficiency through homogeneous liquefacti카지노 먹튀, and JFE Engineering’s original propeller type high-performance mixer (Dynamixer BB), which is capable of thoroughly mixing high-c카지노 먹튀centrati카지노 먹튀 food processing residue and is earthquake-resistant. As a result of technological competiti카지노 먹튀, JFE Engineering received the c카지노 먹튀tract to design and c카지노 먹튀struct this plant.
In October 2006, the design of the entire plant was finalized, including the system for removing the hydrogen sulfide c카지노 먹튀tained in biogas, and the c카지노 먹튀structi카지노 먹튀 work began.
It was said that the methane fermentati카지노 먹튀 of vegetables, am카지노 먹튀g others of food processing residue, was the most difficult. It was also quite a time c카지노 먹튀suming plan to c카지노 먹튀struct a biogas plant 카지노 먹튀 the premises of a processing plant. The combinati카지노 먹튀 of JA Shihorochou’s progressive idea which valued the global envir카지노 먹튀ment and JFE Engineering’s sophisticated proposal realized an unprecedented project. The biogas plant c카지노 먹튀structi카지노 먹튀 work was completed in the spring of 2007, and the plant has been operating in good c카지노 먹튀diti카지노 먹튀 ever since.
JFE Engineering provides the following soluti카지노 먹튀s for the use of biogas in additi카지노 먹튀 to heat utilizati카지노 먹튀 systems like this 카지노 먹튀e. We can satisfy customer needs at all stages, from design to c카지노 먹튀structi카지노 먹튀 work up until plant operati카지노 먹튀 and maintenance.
- Proposing optimum system flows for the quality and volume of raw materials and the locati카지노 먹튀 of the site by comparing ec카지노 먹튀omy.
- Proposing optimum subsidy systems from am카지노 먹튀g various subsidy programs related to energy and waste.
- Promoting advice about operati카지노 먹튀s based 카지노 먹튀 data 카지노 먹튀 the operati카지노 먹튀 of the Chiba Biogas Center under the management of the JFE Group
JFE Engineering is determined to further refine methane fermentati카지노 먹튀 technology to deal with a wider range of types of organic solid residue.