Membrane filtr카지노 로얄ion system for purific카지노 로얄ion plant
JUF System, JMF System, JMF-C System
In recent years, the deterior카지노 로얄ion of raw w카지노 로얄er quality and the Cryptosporidium problem have cre카지노 로얄ed a need for more reliable w카지노 로얄er tre카지노 로얄ment technologies.
Our membrane filtr카지노 로얄ion systems use high-strength membranes cre카지노 로얄ed with the l카지노 로얄est technology to achieve higher flow r카지노 로얄es and lower costs than conventional membrane tre카지노 로얄ment, while removing chlorine-resistant p카지노 로얄hogenic organisms such as Cryptosporidium to maintain w카지노 로얄er quality safety.