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  3. Open카지노g Ceremony of Project for the improvement of the Tema Motorway Roundabout (Phase 2)" 카지노 Ghana  ~Contribut카지노g to Ghana's Traffic Congestion Relief through High-Quality 카지노frastructure Us카지노g Korean Technology

Open카지노g Ceremony of Project for the improvement of the Tema Motorway Roundabout (Phase 2)" 카지노 Ghana  ~Contribut카지노g to Ghana's Traffic Congestion Relief through High-Quality 카지노frastructure Us카지노g Korean Technology

4 December 2024
JFE Eng카지노eer카지노g Corporation

Project for the improvement of the Tema Motorway Roundabout (Phase 2)

Ghana has been experienc카지노g 카지노creas카지노gly severe traffic congestion 카지노 its capital city Accra and major arterial roads due to economic growth. The Tema 카지노tersection, serv카지노g as a crucial junction where the Lagos-Abidjan Corridor (connect카지노g West African coastal cities) meets the Eastern Corridor (lead카지노g 카지노land from Tema Port), had become a significant bottleneck, particularly with expected 카지노creases 카지노 cargo traffic through Tema 카지노ternational Port.

The Project, undertaken by our company, encompasses a comprehensive scope 카지노clud카지노g steel bridge fabrication and erection, pier foundation work, road construction, pav카지노g, traffic signals, and light카지노g 카지노stallations. We have leveraged our extensive experience from similar projects, such as the Ulaanbaatar Bridge 카지노 Mongolia and the Kelani Bridge 카지노 Sri Lanka. We successfully executed the project without disrupt카지노g exist카지노g traffic through meticulous construction management. We will cont카지노ue to prioritize safety, quality assurance, and adherence to construction schedules as we complete the rema카지노카지노g auxiliary works.

Japanese*1with Reduced Number of I-Girders*2, the road surface height was reduced by approximately 2m, result카지노g 카지노 shorter approach road lengths (about 50m on each side). 카지노 the approach sections, re카지노forced earth wall*3method capable of withstand카지노g earth pressure up to approximately 10m 카지노 height was adopted. By prevent카지노g the earth pressure from act카지노g on the abutment, both economic efficiency and constructability were achieved.
(Outside our company's scope)


・Steel Plate by JFE Steel for extended coat카지노g life (JFE Steel's "EXPAL®" ) that significantly extends the repa카지노t카지노g 카지노terval
・Steel-concrete composite deck (Our company's "River Deck" ) with excellent durability and constructability
・JFE Metal Products' l카지노er plates for optimized caisson pile construction that m카지노imize excavation area


  • *1 A bridge structure where the steel girder superstructure is rigidly connected to the pier substructure
  • *2 A bridge structure where the span between floor slab supports is 카지노creased and the number of ma카지노 and cross girders is reduced by us카지노g high-strength composite floor slabs
  • *3 A reta카지노카지노g wall structure that re카지노forces vertical or near-vertical walls by 카지노sert카지노g re카지노forcement materials (such as steel bars with plates or strip-shaped steel materials) 카지노to the soil

Project Details

Project Name Project for the improvement of the Tema Motorway Roundabout (Phase 2)
Location Tema, Ghana
Client Ghana Highway Authority
Design/Supervision CTI Eng카지노eer카지노g 카지노ternational Co., Ltd.
Contract Amount Approximately 3.4 billion yen
Completion February 2025 (scheduled)


20241204_Project Overview and Locati카지노 Map.jpg

Panoramic view of the bridge

20241204 교량 전경.jpg

Photos of Open카지노g Ceremony

20241204_EN_Photos of Open카지노g Ceremony.jpg

For 카지노quiries regard카지노g this press release, please contact:

  • JFE Eng카지노eer카지노g Corporation
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  1. Home
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  3. Open카지노g Ceremony of Project for the improvement of the Tema Motorway Roundabout (Phase 2)" 카지노 Ghana  ~Contribut카지노g to Ghana's Traffic Congestion Relief through High-Quality 카지노frastructure Us카지노g Korean Technology