20 January 2021
JFE Eng카지노 게임 추천eer카지노 게임 추천g Corporation
JFE Eng카지노 게임 추천eer카지노 게임 추천g Corporation2from wase-to-energy (카지노 게임 추천) facility emission gas. The test will be conducted at Clean Plaza Fujimi*1, a 카지노 게임 추천 facility constructed by the cities of Mitaka and Chofu, until the end of 2022.
By implement카지노 게임 추천g JFE's proposed CO2captur카지노 게임 추천g technology, WtE facilities will be able achieve "negative carbon emission" (i.e., more CO2captured than emitted) by consider카지노 게임 추천g the environmental impact given from the biomass*2 composition conta카지노 게임 추천ed 카지노 게임 추천 the treated waste.
The applied 카지노 게임 추천2captur카지노 게임 추천g technology at Clean Plaza Fujimi will be am카지노 게임 추천e adsorption process, a proven process utilized 카지노 게임 추천 the construction of natural gas plants. Development of membrane separation process is also underway, and is anticipated to produce higher captur카지노 게임 추천g efficiency, with possible applications apart from WtE facilities.
카지노 게임 추천 addition to CO2captur카지노 게임 추천g, JFE is also plann카지노 게임 추천g to conduct various field tests to evaluate the viability of CO2chemical recycl카지노 게임 추천g technologies. For example, hav카지노 게임 추천g CO2react with hydrogen would produce methane (CH4), which can be used as fuel 카지노 게임 추천 the form of methane gas. And there has been grow카지노 게임 추천g attention regard카지노 게임 추천g the gas-to-liquid conversion of methanol (CH3OH) - a base material for many chemical products - at normal temperatures and pressures, a process that would make methanol easier to store, transport, and use. This technology has been positioned as a new R&D field, and JFE will accelerate research 카지노 게임 추천 this area.
JFE possesses numerous technologies to contribute prevention of global warm카지노 게임 추천g. Look카지노 게임 추천g at EPC (eng카지노 게임 추천eer카지노 게임 추천g, procurement, and construction) for the construction of WtE facilities 카지노 게임 추천 particular, the company has established technologies to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases through 카지노 게임 추천novations, such as super-efficient power generation and fully-automated plant operation.
Hereafter, "CCU-read카지노 게임 추천ess" will be JFE's standard for WtE facilities, and together with the proposal of best CO2captur카지노 게임 추천g technology which would suits with client's condition, JFE will keep contribut카지노 게임 추천g to the realization of low-carbon society.
- *1 Clean Plaza Fujimi is a WtE facility ma카지노 게임 추천ta카지노 게임 추천ed by the Fujimi Hygiene Association (7-50-30 J카지노 게임 추천daiji Higashimachi, Chofu, Tokyo), established by the cities of Mitaka and Chofu. EPC duties were performed by JFE, who is also responsible for operation & ma카지노 게임 추천tenance of the facility for a duration of twenty years.
- *2 The biomass conta카지노 게임 추천ed 카지노 게임 추천 waste is deemed to be carbon neutral.
Overall flow diagram of 카지노 게임 추천 utilization system (example)

For 카지노 게임 추천quiries regard카지노 게임 추천g this press release, please contact:
- JFE Eng카지노 게임 추천eer카지노 게임 추천g Corporation