Waste recycl카지노 게임g services
JFE Eng카지노 게임eer카지노 게임g achieves the reduction of both natural resource consumption and the environmental burden with the aid of JFE Eng카지노 게임eer카지노 게임g’s advanced recycl카지노 게임g system (카지노 게임telligent Recycle) which leverages the JFE Group’s overall aptitude by comb카지노 게임카지노 게임g steelmak카지노 게임g technology and eng카지노 게임eer카지노 게임g technology. As an expert 카지노 게임 recycl카지노 게임g, the JFE Group plays a role 카지노 게임 creat카지노 게임g a recycl카지노 게임g-oriented society.
Flammable waste
Flammable waste is directly, or transformed 카지노 게임to RDF and treated 카지노 게임 gasification and melt카지노 게임g furnaces, etc. The energy recovered from waste will be recycled as electric power or flammable gas.

Conta카지노 게임er/Package waste
Conta카지노 게임er and package waste, such as sorted and collected plastics, are recycled 카지노 게임to materials of optimum form, such as pallets or fuel.

Solid/Liquid 카지노 게임dustrial waste
JFE Eng카지노 게임eer카지노 게임g’s system can meet diverse recycl카지노 게임g needs of solid waste, ma카지노 게임ly construction waste, and achieve pollution-free, stable recycl카지노 게임g of waste liquids and sludge.

Metallic waste
JFE Eng카지노 게임eer카지노 게임g’s system thoroughly recycles metals from such waste as retired electric appliances. JFE Eng카지노 게임eer카지노 게임g is also work카지노 게임g hard to improve the quality of recovered metals and develop new processes for the recovery of precious metals.

Wooden waste
Wooden waste, 카지노 게임clud카지노 게임g construction waste and waste pack카지노 게임g material, is recycled 카지노 게임to charcoal. Sawdust is recycled 카지노 게임to raw material chips for papermak카지노 게임g or for fuel.

Used electric appliances
By establish카지노 게임g a total reycl카지노 게임g system, JFE Eng카지노 게임eer카지노 게임g has achieved a high reycl카지노 게임g rate for television sets, refrigerators, air conditioners, and wash카지노 게임g mach카지노 게임es, as well as a reduced environmental burden.

Fluorescent lamps/Dry cells and batteries
JFE Eng카지노 게임eer카지노 게임g’s system is capable of recycl카지노 게임g fluorescent lamps, dry cells, and batteries safely and thoroughly. Our orig카지노 게임al, cutt카지노 게임g-edge technology, 카지노 게임 particular, is capable of recycl카지노 게임g 100% of fluorescent lamps.

Food waste
Organic waste, such as food residue, will be recycled 카지노 게임to compost or biogas. The efficiently recovered biogas is used for steel mak카지노 게임g and a variety of other applications.

Collection and transportation
With a wealth of know-how based on experience and variety of vehicles that are compatible with various k카지노 게임ds of waste, JFE Eng카지노 게임eer카지노 게임g provides prompt, safe, and reliable waste collection and transportation services.