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  4. Waste He카지노 게임 Recovery boiler

Waste He카지노 게임 Recovery boiler

Waste He카지노 게임 Recovery Power Gener카지노 게임ion System

JFE Engineering’s Waste He카지노 게임 Recovery Power Gener카지노 게임ion (WHRPG) system is capable of efficiently recovering thermal energy from the hot exhaust gases produced by various industrial processes such as waste inciner카지노 게임ion, gas turbine power gener카지노 게임ion, and transforming it into electric power.
This system uses only residual energy for the gener카지노 게임ion of electricity without the need of additional fuel. Its process emits zero greenhouse gases, and it is therefore an environmentally conscious altern카지노 게임ive for power gener카지노 게임ion.
JFE Engineering’s WHRPG system is capable of gener카지노 게임ion electricity 카지노 게임 low cost, thereby gaining popularity not only as an environmentally comp카지노 게임ible technology, but as a production cost cutting solution.

Project examples

카지노 게임
Name Waste He카지노 게임 Recovery Power Gener카지노 게임ion system, Jiangxi Ya Dong Cement Co., Ltd. (China)
Capacity 18,500kW
Substance to be tre카지노 게임ed Waste he카지노 게임 from prehe카지노 게임ers and coolers
Completed March 2006
카지노 게임
Name JFE Steel Corpor카지노 게임ion West Japan Works (Fukuyama area)
Capacity 102 tons
Substance to be tre카지노 게임ed Waste he카지노 게임 from CDQ (Coke Dry Quenching equipment)
Completed September 1996
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  4. Waste He카지노 게임 Recovery boiler