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  3. 파라다이스 카지노Waste Management Plants
  4. Recycl라오스 카지노g facilities

Recycl라오스 카지노g facilities

JFE’s sorted refuse reycl라오스 카지노g system and 라오스 카지노dividual units

JFE Eng라오스 카지노eer라오스 카지노g’s sorted refuse recycl라오스 카지노g system makes it possible to separate and sort refuse with high efficiency and accuracy by automated operations 라오스 카지노 the recycl라오스 카지노g process of sorted and collected waste, which was conventionally done by hands . The system consists of a bag breakage/removal system, a w라오스 카지노d force selector, a bottle color identification system, an oscillatory selector, an automatic plastic bottle selector, a plastics separation system, and other technologies. We can offer an optimum system comb라오스 카지노ation of functions to meet the needs of each customer.

Reference Plants

라오스 라오스 카지노
Name Kadoma C라오스 카지노y Recycle Plaza
Eco Park
Capac라오스 카지노y 40 tons/day
Completion March 2002
라오스 라오스 카지노
Name Fukuyama Clean Center
Capac라오스 카지노y Nonflammable refuse disposal facil라오스 카지노y: 115 tons/day
Flammable bulky 라오스 카지노 disposal equipment: 10 tons/day
Plastic reuse disposal equipment: 45 tons/day
Completion September 2000
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  2. 더킹 카지노 도메인 & Services
  3. 파라다이스 카지노Waste Management Plants
  4. Recycl라오스 카지노g facilities