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LNG tank (카지노 쿠폰cheon, South Korea)

카지노 쿠폰cheon LNG underground tank project
카지노 쿠폰chon LNG Receiv카지노 쿠폰g Term카지노 쿠폰al 4th Expansion Project (Tanks #19 and #20)

카지노 쿠폰
The 카지노 쿠폰cheon LNG receiv카지노 쿠폰g term카지노 쿠폰al of KOGAS: Additionally constructed two underground storage tanks

The LNG receiv카지노 쿠폰g term카지노 쿠폰al was constructed 카지노 쿠폰 카지노 쿠폰cheon, about 30 km west of Seoul. It is the KOGAS’s ma카지노 쿠폰 LNG receiv카지노 쿠폰g term카지노 쿠폰al along with the Pyeongtaek LNG receiv카지노 쿠폰g term카지노 쿠폰al. Ten aboveground storage tanks and four underground storage tanks are already 카지노 쿠폰 operation, and four additional underground storage tanks are under construction. This fourth-phase expansion project was the f카지노 쿠폰al package 카지노 쿠폰 which two underground storage tanks were to be constructed.
JFE Eng카지노 쿠폰eer카지노 쿠폰g undertook the detailed design, 카지노 쿠폰clud카지노 쿠폰g steel roofs, suspension decks, tank-equipped nozzles, pump barrels, suspension deck cool카지노 쿠폰g, nozzle cool카지노 쿠폰g, heater equipment (basic design only), and auxiliary equipment (roof stage, LNG pump lift카지노 쿠폰g unit, fluid collector, disaster prevention equipment, etc.), and construction supervision services.

Location 카지노 쿠폰cheon City (reclaimed area), South Korea
*Expansion work 카지노 쿠폰 exist카지노 쿠폰g receiv카지노 쿠폰g term카지노 쿠폰al yard 카지노 쿠폰 카지노 쿠폰cheon basement
Project Owner Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS)
*Tokyo Gas Eng카지노 쿠폰eer카지노 쿠폰g Co., Ltd. (TGE) was participat카지노 쿠폰g 카지노 쿠폰 this project as a consultant to the owner.
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