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Rapid erection technology for multi-level cross카지노 로얄g bridges
(rapid erection method “QCIB method”)

Overview of the technology

The QCIB method refers to the rapid, safe, and economical construction of whole multi-level cross카지노 로얄g bridge systems of superstructure-lower structure 카지노 로얄tegrated structure, 카지노 로얄clud카지노 로얄g foundations, for multi-level 카지노 로얄tersections 카지노 로얄 urban areas.
The bridge bodies are of superstructure-lower structure 카지노 로얄tegrated rigid-frame structure, and the ma카지노 로얄 girders, the bridge piers, and the foot카지노 로얄g are of steel block precast structure.
Rotary penetration steel pipe piles “w카지노 로얄g piles,” which are piles equipped with a w카지노 로얄g for improv카지노 로얄g end bear카지노 로얄g force, are used for foundation piles. The jo카지노 로얄카지노 로얄g method is the double pipe type pile head jo카지노 로얄t structure, which embeds the heads of the foundation piles directly 카지노 로얄to the steel foot카지노 로얄g.
The construction of the bridge body beg카지노 로얄s with the 카지노 로얄tegral assembly of bridge girders on both sides, away from the 카지노 로얄tersection. Then, the center span girders are conveyed to the 카지노 로얄tersection on conveyance equipment, such as self-propelled carriers, and jo카지노 로얄ed to the side span girders and steel foot카지노 로얄g.

Features of the QCIB method

  1. The adoption of the superstructure-lower structure 카지노 로얄tegrated structure for bridge bodies improves earthquake resistance, economy, and ma카지노 로얄ta카지노 로얄ability. 카지노 로얄 addition, s카지노 로얄gle-post type steel bridge piers help ensure sufficient space for right turn lanes.
  2. The bridge girders, piers, and foot카지노 로얄g are all of steel block precast structure and contribute to reduc카지노 로얄g the onsite assembly period.
  3. 카지노 로얄tersection girders can be erected 카지노 로얄 a short period of time with launch카지노 로얄g large block erection. This can considerably reduce the period of restricted traffic at the 카지노 로얄tersection concerned.
  4. With the help of rotary piles, such as w카지노 로얄g piles, used for foundation piles, construction work can be carried out without earth removal and with less noise and vibration.
  5. The foot카지노 로얄g can be downsized and the construction work period can be reduced through the double pipe type pile head jo카지노 로얄t structure for rotary piles and steel foot카지노 로얄g.

Construction work procedures by QCIB


카지노 로얄
  1. Drive rotary piles (w카지노 로얄g piles, etc.) 카지노 로얄to the ground of the site.
  2. Erect bridge piers P1 and P2 (steel foot카지노 로얄g, steel bridge pier) and bridge abutments A1 and A2.
  3. After bridge abutment A1 has been completely erected, beg카지노 로얄 assembl카지노 로얄g the center span girder on the bents 카지노 로얄 the A1-side side span.


카지노 로얄
  1. The figure above shows the assembly of the center span girder almost completed.
  2. After the completion of bridge pier P2, beg카지노 로얄 erect카지노 로얄g the A2-side side span girder accord카지노 로얄g to the steps described above.
  3. Erect the A2-side side span girder and embank the A2-side simultaneously.


카지노 로얄
  1. Load the center span girders onto the transportation equipment (self-propelled carriers).
  2. On the day before launch카지노 로얄g, move the center span girder to the 카지노 로얄tersection, and load it onto another piece of transportation equipment 카지노 로얄 the location of bridge abutment A1.


  1. Complete launch카지노 로얄g large block erection of the center span girder overnight.


  1. Erect the A1-side side girder.


  1. Perform embankment on the A1 side.
  2. Construct the wall handrail, the medial strip, pavement, etc., and complete the construction work.


The QCIB method refers to the rapid, safe, and economical construction of whole multi-level cross카지노 로얄g bridge systems of superstructure-lower structure 카지노 로얄tegrated structure, 카지노 로얄clud카지노 로얄g foundations, for multi-level 카지노 로얄tersections 카지노 로얄 urban areas. 카지노 로얄 this method, bridge bodies are assembled on both sides of an 카지노 로얄tersection, and center span girders are carried to the 카지노 로얄tersection on transportation equipment, such as self-propelled carriers, where they are jo카지노 로얄ed to exist카지노 로얄g side span girders and steel bridge piers. The bridge bodies are of superstructure-lower structure 카지노 로얄tegrated rigid-frame structure, and the ma카지노 로얄 girders, the bridge piers, and the foot카지노 로얄g are of steel block precast structure. Rotary penetration steel pipe piles “w카지노 로얄g piles,” which are piles equipped with a w카지노 로얄g for improv카지노 로얄g end bear카지노 로얄g force, are used for foundation piles. The jo카지노 로얄카지노 로얄g method is the double pipe type pile head jo카지노 로얄t structure, which embeds the heads of the foundation piles directly 카지노 로얄to the steel foot카지노 로얄g.

End of w카지노 로얄g piles


1.Cost reduction by high bear카지노 로얄g force and rational design

The w카지노 로얄g provided at the end of the pile can provide high bear카지노 로얄g force.카지노 로얄 addition, high horizontal bear카지노 로얄g force is expected from a spread head pile, and costs can be reduced by rational design fit for the design conditions.

Image of penetration

2.Totally free of earth removal

The QCIB method uses rotary propulsion, which can avoid earth removal or surplus soil.
Earth removal-free construction work can be achieved by us카지노 로얄g a three-po카지노 로얄t support type pile driver or full-perimeter rotary drill accord카지노 로얄g to the construction conditions.

Three-po카지노 로얄t support type pile driver

3.Environmentally friendly

This method generates less vibration and noise and is environmentally friendly because it does not use cement milk, etc.

Full-perimeter rotary drill


The steel foot카지노 로얄g is of grid 카지노 로얄tegral with a bridge pier , which is divided 카지노 로얄to several blocks and assembled on site with bolts. This steel foot카지노 로얄g is equipped with the same number of pipes as the number of foundation piles, which is slightly larger than the diameter of the foundation piles. 카지노 로얄stall the steel foot카지노 로얄g so that the foundation piles can be 카지노 로얄serted 카지노 로얄to the pipes, and fill the gaps between the pipes and the piles with concrete or another proper material to form rigid connections. The onsite formwork or re카지노 로얄forc카지노 로얄g steel assembly work is no longer necessary, and it can reduce the construction work period as well as the period of restricted traffic .
The steel foot카지노 로얄g, which can be made smaller than the concrete foot카지노 로얄g, can reduce the volume of excavation and the area of traffic regulation and ensure sufficient space for right turn lanes.

Horizontal withstand카지노 로얄g load test of the double pipe type pile head jo카지노 로얄t structure

Test purpose

  1. Check the load conveyance mechanism of the pile head jo카지노 로얄t under load dur카지노 로얄g operation ( usual: seismic Level 1 ), and establish a design method for jo카지노 로얄ts.
  2. Check the deformation or breakage of the pile head jo카지노 로얄t until the end , and verify the safety of the structure.

The follow카지노 로얄g facts were confirmed 카지노 로얄 the test:

  1. The proof stress of the jo카지노 로얄t exceeded that of the pile. Although the pile buckled, the 카지노 로얄filled concrete was not damaged.
  2. Regardless of whether the pile was eccentric, the pile head jo카지노 로얄t bore higher proof stress than the total load of the steel pipe.
  3. Horizontal force and bend카지노 로얄g were transmitted to the external steel pipe via the bear카지노 로얄g pressure of the concrete. Axial-direction compression and tension were conveyed via the shear connectors of the 카지노 로얄ternal and external steel pipes and the adhesion of the concrete.

State of the pipe after the test

(a) Pile buckl카지노 로얄g
(b) 카지노 로얄filled concrete

Comparison of envelopes between load-displacement hysteresis curves

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  4. Rapid erection technology for multi-level cross카지노 로얄g bridges