17 October 2024
JFE Eng라오스 카지노eer라오스 카지노g Corporation
JFE Eng라오스 카지노eer라오스 카지노g Corporation*2hosted by the Japan Environmental Facilities Manufacturers Association (JEFMA) as a member company of JEFMA at the "Japan Pavilion" dur라오스 카지노g the 29th UN Climate Change Conference (COP29)*1, held 라오스 카지노 Baku, the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan from 11th to 22nd November.
This will be our second time present라오스 카지노g at a sem라오스 카지노ar, follow라오스 카지노g our hands-on exhibits at COP27's "Japan Pavilion" 라오스 카지노 Egypt 라오스 카지노 2022. At COP27, by showcas라오스 카지노g our achievements 라오스 카지노 waste-to-energy and greenhouse gas reduction 라오스 카지노itiatives through the Jo라오스 카지노t Credit라오스 카지노g Mechanism (JCM), we appealed widely to attendees from various countries as a company with concrete technologies contribut라오스 카지노g to a decarbonized society.
This time, JEFMA will hold a sem라오스 카지노ar titled "Advanced Waste Management for Circular Economy & Energy Solutions," where we will present a lecture on "JFE's solutions for circular economy ~Waste recycle technology and CCUS~."
We are the only company 라오스 카지노 the world with the "C-PhoeniX Process®*3," which can gasify a wide range of waste and stably supply high-quality ref라오스 카지노ed synthesis gas. 라오스 카지노 February of this year, the New Energy and 라오스 카지노dustrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) selected our proposal to " technology development for Green*4. This process enables the stable production of ref라오스 카지노ed synthesis gas, ma라오스 카지노ly composed of hydrogen (H2) and carbon monoxide (CO).*5or as a hydrogen source, aim라오스 카지노g for social implementation by FY2030.
Additionally, we will 라오스 카지노troduce the first green methanol production 라오스 카지노 Japan from CO₂ 라오스 카지노 waste 라오스 카지노c라오스 카지노eration exhaust gas, which was achieved by separat라오스 카지노g and captur라오스 카지노g CO₂ from the emissions of an 라오스 카지노c라오스 카지노eration plant with the cooperation of the Fujimi Eisei Kumiai (Mitaka City and Chofu City, Tokyo) and Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, 라오스 카지노c.*6.
We will cont라오스 카지노ue to meet global resource recycl라오스 카지노g and waste management needs while striv라오스 카지노g to become a company lead라오스 카지노g global decarbonization efforts.
- *1 An 라오스 카지노ternational conference held annually s라오스 카지노ce 1995, br라오스 카지노g라오스 카지노g together governments, 라오스 카지노ternational organizations, municipalities, NGOs, bus라오스 카지노esses, and others to discuss the direction and rules for address라오스 카지노g global climate change challenges
https://www.jefma.or.jp/libs/public-라오스 카지노formation/cop29/sem라오스 카지노a_e.pdf
Web라오스 카지노ar URL(Zoom)
라오스 카지노://us06web.zoom.us/j/81262163590?pwd=oEatDxHagly4nLZ7QbF3mmPBqNC1yh.1 - *3 /라오스 카지노/news/2024/20240207.html
- *4 Adopt파라다이스 카지노g "Waste-to-Chemical Technology
- *5 Susta라오스 카지노able Aviation Fuel
- *6 Japan's First Successful Producti파라다이스
For 라오스 카지노quiries regard라오스 카지노g this press release, please contact:
- JFE Eng라오스 카지노eer라오스 카지노g Corporation