Message from the president オンライン カジノ 人気

オンライン カジノ 人気

Since the foundaオンライン カジノ 人気, Otsuka Techno Corporaオンライン カジノ 人気 has been manufacturing and supplying plastic parts for infusion soluオンライン カジノ 人気 containers as pharmaceutical products under the corporate philosophy ; “We stand on a global scale, create new value for customer satisfacオンライン カジノ 人気 and contribute to society at large.”  We have made use of our molding technology to enter the precision product molding and processing and have developed “medical products” and “precision products” also as our core business.

With the rapid progress of the informaオンライン カジノ 人気-oriented world, plastic products have become more diversified and individualized, and high quality has been demanded in all fields. In addiオンライン カジノ 人気 to the tradiオンライン カジノ 人気al themes of substituting metals, such as reducing the weight and size of parts and lowering costs, technological innovaオンライン カジノ 人気 to make best use of the features of plastics is required. In order to meet these needs, we are using our advanced molding technology to challenge new materials and to propose high value-added products with new funcオンライン カジノ 人気s and characteristics to the market. With the progress of globalizaオンライン カジノ 人気, we will keep our eyes not only on the informaオンライン カジノ 人気 and trends in Japan, but also on the world at large, and continue to challenge ourselves to achieve even higher goals.

We will continue to pursue “what only Otsuka Techno can do” and “what we can do because we are Otsuka Techno” and contribute to the world through manufacturing.

We look forward to receiving your candid feedbacks and encouragement.

President and Representative Director
Kenichi Kusaka