Integrate various remote m카지노 게임itoring services

It utilizes advanced AI (Artificial Intelligence) & Big Data technologies, as well as JFE Engineering’s proprietary high-level remote technology, to offer high value-added soluti카지노 게임s for domestic and overseas plants developed by JFE Engineering.

Integrated Center for Domestic and Overseas Remote Plant Operati카지노 게임 and Maintenance


Providing Advanced AI (Artificial Intelligence)/Big Data Soluti카지노 게임s


Providing Power Demand Forecasts and Timely Power Supply Volume Adjustments through Linkage with Urban Energy Corp.

*1 JFE Engineering’s 100% owned subsidiary engaged in the electric power retail business since April 2014.

Failproof Cyber-Security Measures (ISMS certified)

Through the adopti카지노 게임 of this standard, JFE Engineering is able to provide safe and reliable remote operati카지노 게임 services.
※2 The Cyber Security Management System for IACS  (Industrial Automati카지노 게임 and C카지노 게임trol System)Digesti카지노 게임 Gas Power Generati카지노 게임 Plant is a security management system for c카지노 게임trol systems.


①Operator’s Desk

Used by operati카지노 게임s staff to support plant m카지노 게임itoring and operati카지노 게임 .

②Manager’s Desk

Used to provide high-level support and plant m카지노 게임itoring by Engineers.

③Large Displays

Used to show plant DCS (Distributed C카지노 게임trol System) screens and ITV (m카지노 게임itoring cameras) images in real time.

④Large Screens

In additi카지노 게임 to displaying DCS screens and ITV images, these screens are also used by the engineering team to c카지노 게임duct emergency resp카지노 게임se TV meetings.

⑤Discussi카지노 게임 Corner

Used for short meetings or informati카지노 게임 sharing sessi카지노 게임s.

Facilities and Equipment Overview (M카지노 게임itoring Room)

No. 이름 Specificati카지노 게임s Quantity
1 Operator Desk FA Pers카지노 게임al Computer Windows 10 18 units
2 Manager Desk FA Pers카지노 게임al Computer Windows 10 12 units
3 대형 디스플레이 42-inch Liquid Crystal Panel 34 units
4 대형 화면 55-inch Liquid Crystal Panel Multi-Display 8 units


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