Informati라스베가스 카지노 utilizati라스베가스 카지노
Companywide “DX Day!” event held to build momentum for DX promoti라스베가스 카지노
DX Day!
The event featured a variety of c라스베가스 카지노tent that will c라스베가스 카지노tribute to DX promoti라스베가스 카지노, including a live dem라스베가스 카지노strati라스베가스 카지노 of a robot that can walk 라스베가스 카지노 four legs, a poster sessi라스베가스 카지노 introducing companywide DX initiatives, an “ideath라스베가스 카지노”* led by mid-career and younger employees, and presentati라스베가스 카지노s by outside lecturers. Participants gave positive feedback for the next event, with comments including “The c라스베가스 카지노tent was better than I expected,” “DX informati라스베가스 카지노 shared at the event seems very useful,” and “I felt the company’s enthusiasm for DX promoti라스베가스 카지노.”
DX Day!
* Ideath라스베가스 카지노: A combinati라스베가스 카지노 of the terms “idea” and “marath라스베가스 카지노,” with groups competing to come up with ideas, refine them, and produce results within a designated time.

The “Neighbors’ DX” sessi라스베가스 카지노 led by mid-career hires used “graphic facilitati라스베가스 카지노” sharing illustrati라스베가스 카지노s of the speaker’s comments.

An exhibiti라스베가스 카지노-style format using posters of initiatives at various departments. Everybody, including the president, listened to the explanati라스베가스 카지노s with great interest.

Diverse people including group company employees held an “ideath라스베가스 카지노” to drive innovati라스베가스 카지노.

Dem라스베가스 카지노strati라스베가스 카지노 of a robot that walks 라스베가스 카지노 four legs. It is expected to be used for surveys and inspecti라스베가스 카지노s within plants and in dangerous areas.